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Hey, :)
ich musste einen Text schreiben im Bezug auf die Rede von Barack Obama indem ich bestimmten Abschnitten eine Überschrift geben sollte und diese begründen sollte.
Nun bin ich mir nicht sicher ob meine Rechtschreibung wie auch meine Grammatik richtig sind. Hatte nämlich einen nicht so guten Feedback in Sachen Klausur. ^^

First and foremost i want to give a headline for each five sections of the speech, by the president Barack Obama, which fits best to the topic of the text.
For the first section is the headline "Think positive!" suitable because Barack Obama reminds the people or the nation to be optimistic and to initiate action. For example he says in the text that they will begin to work of remaking America again. This is also an appeal to the people to coat together.
The second section has the headline "We will change!" because the president itemises every issue which they "will" change for the better. For example to restore science to it´s rightful place or to raise health care´s quality. At the end he also emphasises that this is all they can do and they will do.
The corresponding headline for the third section is "Strong doubts!" because apart from all good plans by Barack Obama there´re still people who doubt about his words.
But exactly in the next section, Barack Obama cares to elaborate the doubts and the problems of the nation. He wants to explain that these aspects are solvable and they´re not the occasion to be pessimistic. The following quote supports this assumption: "Where the answer is yes, we intend to move forward. Where the answer is no, programs will end." That´s why the fourth section is named "Every cloud has a silver lining!" because every problem can be solved if we struggle for it.
The final section is called "Don´t give up hope!" because it does`t matter if the market is good or ill the main point is to have a watchful eye so that we can prevent damage e.g. the market can spin out of control. It´s necessary to keep in mind "the success of our economy also depends on our ability to extend opportunity to every willing heart" because it helps to change it for better.
Frage von coco-banana (ehem. Mitglied) | am 27.11.2011 - 18:54

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