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A short text. Bitte drüber schauen.

Frage: A short text. Bitte drüber schauen.
(4 Antworten)

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Hallöchen. Kann mal bitte einer drüber schauen. Dankeschön. :)

I think Jacky and her dad must talk a second time about this conflict. Jacky`s father must understand his daugther`s situation. The race for the Country in the National Cross is very important for his daughter. It`s an unique opportunity and she deserves it, because she did so much training. At first Jacky can talk with her mum and explains her mum her feelings. I think she would understand it and help Jacky with her father.
And it doesn`t matter, when her parents can`t come to the race, because it`s more important that she will run.
Frage von C00LNESS (ehem. Mitglied) | am 23.09.2010 - 15:19

Antwort von GAST | 23.09.2010 - 15:23
kann zwar über den Text schauen aber ich verstehe nicht so ganz was Du möchtest. Sollen wir den auf Fehler überprüfen oder was möchtest Du?

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Antwort von Lisa52 (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.09.2010 - 15:35
Ich verstehe auch nicht so ganz.. wie können wir dir helfen coolness?

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Antwort von C00LNESS (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.09.2010 - 15:42
Oh.. :D Jaa, genau, die Fehler finden.. Ich sollte mich in Zukunft besser ausdrücken.. .___.

Antwort von GAST | 23.09.2010 - 19:15
I think Jacky and her dad must talk for a second time about this conflict. Jacky`s father must understand his daughter`s situation. The race for the Country in the National Cross is very important for [---] her.. It`s a unique opportunity and she deserves it, because she has done so much training. At first Jacky can talk with her mum and explain her feelings to her . I think she will understand [---] and will help Jacky with her father.
And it won`t matter, if her parents can`t come to the race, because it`s more important that she will run.

fett = korrigiert/eingefügt; [---] = gestrichen


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