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Comment bitte verbessern :)

Frage: Comment bitte verbessern :)
(2 Antworten)

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Ich musste ein kurzes Comment schreiben über das Thema, ob Filme wie "THE KINGDOM" gut für die USA sind.
Also Filme über den Krieg gegen Terroristen in Ländern wie Irak etc.

The USA has a very big role in the world policy. They have many military bases all over the world. Furthermore they have many problems with terrorism. The terrorist attacks have increased in the last 100 years higher than ever. Therefore they have war in countries like Iraq where the most terrorist came from. Many movie directors make movies about this problem, in the hope many people will watch it. Nevertheless we should ask if that is good for the USA?
The film has some good thinks. It shows how brutal the war there is. Moreover it is not always an invented story, it could be true. In addition it could be a nice action film and the people can have fun by watching it. For example the nice special effects, when they shooting with big weapons.
Nevertheless there are many bad thinks about this movies. Many people think they want to increase the hate against these countries like Saudi Arabian or Iraq. When the people see the young soldiers fighting against these mad terrorists, which killing innocent people, they starting to hate this people. However they think all people from this country are terrorist, but that is not the truth. So people get a bad impression about the USA.
In my Opinion the films are on the one hand nice to look but on the other hand they are very bad because they describe countries like Saudi Arabian wrong. There are not only terrorist, there live also friendly and good peoples. However we shouldn’t forget, that terrorism is a very bad thing and many people had to die because of it.

LG Simon, DANKE !:)
Frage von simon922 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 28.06.2011 - 15:47

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Antwort von Smileeee (ehem. Mitglied) | 29.06.2011 - 10:42
inhaltlich ist es nicht schlecht es ist ja deine meinung
aber bei so aussagen wie-
"Therefore they have war in countries like Iraq where the most terrorist came from." - musst du aufpassen. ich weiß ja nicht wie pingelig dein lehrer ist,
aber du brauchst fakten und zahlen, also seriöse quellen

grammatikalisch hab ich jetzt nicht wirklich geschau, weil die lehrer bei so art comments fehler in der grammatik nicht so schlimm finden
aber falls du ne note kriegst, kann ich ja nochmal rüberschaun (aber mein englisch is jetzt nich geht:)

aber ein grober fehler ist mir aufgefallen "friendly and good peoples" ----people (vllt nur ein tippfehler :))
opinion natürlich klein geschrieben
und ab dem zweiten nevertheless hast du oft das wort people benutzt, das hört sich nich so schön an

und ... "The film has some good thinks."
ich glaub du meinst "thoughts"

"The film has some good thinks. It shows how brutal the war there is. Moreover it is not always an invented story, it could be true. In addition it could be a nice action film and the people can have fun by watching it. For example the nice special effects, when they shooting with big weapons."

hier versteh ich nicht warum das positiv sein soll
du musst das genauer begründen
der film zeigt wie brutal der krieg ist...und weiter?
soll er die menschen abschrecken? oder beweisen wie skrupellos amerika in solchen ländern agiert? ...ich hoffe du verstehst was ich mein

Antwort von GAST | 29.06.2011 - 14:56
Plural von terrorist= terrorists
people bleibt auch im Plural people (Ausnahmewort wie sheep und fish..)
Nevertheless we should ask if that is good for the USA?

Das Fragezeichen ist überflüssig, vom Sinn her klingt das zu Allgemein, vielleicht auf den Ruf des Landes oder die Einwohner beziehen? Musst du wissen, ist dein comment ;)
The film has some good thinks

thoughts wär ein Wort, das es gibt, vom Sinn her würde "ideas" besser passen
they shooting with big weapons

"are" shooting
Nevertheless there are many bad thinks about this movies

"thoughts" kannst du durch "opinions" ersetzen
Saudi Arabian

das wär eher adjektivisch, lass das n weg, also Saudi Arabia

which killing innocent people, they starting to hate this people. However they think all people from this country are terrorist, but that is not the truth. So people get a bad impression about the USA.

"who are killing"..., they start to hate them.
because they describe countries like Saudi Arabian wrong

because they give a false image of countries like Saudi Arabia

So people get a bad impression about the USA.

wirklich von den USA?
nice to look

nice to watch

there live also friendly

also live friendly

However we shouldn’t forget, that terrorism is a very bad thing and many people had to die because of it.

Es gibt immer noch Terrorismus.
have to die

Kleine Bemerkung: Ich bin auch nur Schüler und kann Fehler machen ;)

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