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Langer, Carrie - A Perfect day: Summary ?

Frage: Langer, Carrie - A Perfect day: Summary ?
(3 Antworten)

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ich schreibe euch eine Summary.
Ich bitte euch meinen Text zuverbesseren, falls da Fehler auftauchen.
Danke im Vorraus.
Und nun kommt meine Summary:

The story it about Carrie, a student at Hermann high school, who fall in love in Jim Nielson.
Jim Nielson is a boy, who goes to the Hermann high school and is two class about Crarrie.
They only chatted for a few second first.
Then in Feburay was a notice on the bulletin board about the rafting tour in the spring vacation, but Carrie hate water.She put her name on the list.
The first day of the spring vaction, she goes to the bus and enter the bus at least. Jim and Carrie talk short.
They arrieved at the river, put on their gear and get into the raft. First is the water slow and they just paddle along in the sunshine, but then is the Castor River very wild and the water go faster.
Suddenly Jim shouted that they go left, but it is to late an Carrie fall out from the raft.
She get panick and go under the water. Jim pulled her back onto the raft.
Frage von QuizMan (ehem. Mitglied) | am 19.04.2011 - 11:17

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Antwort von panicswitch1 (ehem. Mitglied) | 19.04.2011 - 11:35
heißt das nicht "who falls in love with jim" ?

Carrie hateS water.
She putS (falls present tense gemeint ist)

she enterS .. They arrived.. faster gibts nicht, nur FAST.

she fallS out .. she getS and goES.

und die Struktur stimmt auch nicht, aber ich habe grad keine Zeit sie zu korregieren sorry =)

Antwort von GAST | 19.04.2011 - 12:42
das soll ne zusammenfassung sein?
dann hast du alles was man da eigentlich beachten soll, nicht beachtet xD

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Antwort von matata | 19.04.2011 - 12:58
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