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Zusammenfassung: Zeitentabelle Englisch, Time Table

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Active Bildung Passive Signalwörter Simple present

Simple present
-Regelmäßige Vorgänge, Gewohnheiten und Dauerzustände

Present progessive
-gerade ablaufende Vorgänge
-etwas für die Zukunft fest Geplantest, Vereinbarungen
I read a lot, and I love books by Joanne Rowling

At the moment, I´m reading her new book.
I´m getting the cassette of the book for my birthday next month

Puddlebottom Castle is visited by over 200,000 tourists every year.

Always, every…, never, normally,
often, seldom, sometimes, usually

at the moment, just, just now, Listen!, Look!, now, right now
Simple past
-Ereignisse, die zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt der Vergangenheit stattfanden

Past progressive
-zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt der Verangenheit ablaufende Vorgänge
I was very happy when I found her new book last week when I was in London.

I was visiting my aunt when I bought it.
2. Verbform

Was/were + -ing
It was built in 1077 and was used for over 700yearsas the home of the puddlebottom family.
Yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in 1990, the other day, last Friday

When, while, as long as
Present perfect (simple)
-Was (irgentwann) passiert ist
-Zustände, die von der Vergangenheit bis jetzt andauern

Present perfect progressive
-Vorgänge die von der Vergangenheit bis jetzt andauern
I´ve already read over 100 pages. The book has been in the shop for two weeks.

I´ve been enjoying the story very much.
Have/had + 3.Vervform

Have been + -ing
A lot of work has been done during the last few years to make the castle beautiful again.
Already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now

All day, for 4 years, since 1993, how long?, the whole week
Past perfect (simple)
-Ereignisse und Zustände vor einem anderen Ereignis in der Vergangenheit

Past perfect progressive
-Vorgänge, die bis zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit andauern
Before this one, Ihad already read four others by Joanne Rowling.

I had been waiting for the new one until last Monday.
Had + 3.Verbform

Had been + -ing
When the work started, the castle had almost been forgotten for over 100 years.
Already, just, never, not yet, once, until that day

For, since, the whole day, all day
-Vorhersagen, Vermutungen
-spontane Entschlüsse, Angebote
I´ll probably finish it tomorrow.
If you want, I´ll let you read it, too.
Will + 1.Verbform
We expect that the millionth visitor will be welcomed next year.
In a year, next…, tomorrow

Vermutungen: I think, probably, we might…, perhaps
Going to-future
-Vorhersagen aufgrund von äußerlichen Anzeichen
I´m going to buy the next one when it appears.
After the first five, I just know that it´s going to be good.

A video of the castle is going to be made soon.
In one year, next week, tomorrow

Direct speech
Indirect speech
Present – Past
I play hockey every Saturday.
Liz said she played hockey every Saturday.
Past – Past perfect
I met the others at the club.
Lucy mentioned that she had met the others at the club.
Present perfect – Past perfect
My parents have been to the USA once.
Collin explained that his parents had been to the USA once.
Will-future – would+Infinitv
I´m sure Tom will arrive in time.
Sue was sure that Tom would arrive in time.
Going to-future – was/were going to + Infinitiv
I think Sally is going to work hard.
David thought sally was going to work hard
Can – Could
I´m sorry we can´t come.
Eric was sorry that they couldn´t come.
May – Might
Dad and Mum may be late.
Jean told us that her parents might be late.
Englische Zeittabelle mit Aktive und Passiv, Beispielen und Signalwörtern,Erklärung der Zeiten, Bildung der verschiedenen Zeiten. (590 Wörter)
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  • Englisch-Zeitentabelle
    hi, weiß einer von euch eine seite, wo es eine zeitentabelle gibt, dh wie die zeit heißt, gebildet wird, schlüsselwörter usw
  • Nachhilfe...
    Ich hab da so nen Nachhilfeschüler, der zwar in Grammatik top is, aber in Sachen Vokabeln ne totale Niete.... Hat jemand ne Idee..
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    Wie lernt man am besten Vokabeln. Ich bekomme so viele Vokabeln auf da komm ich nicht mehr mit.
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    Hey, ich brauche ganz dringend jeweils 7 Vokabeln zum 10.11.12 Kapitel von About a Boy Nick Hornby. Es müssen schwere Vokabeln ..
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    Hey! Ich schreibe morgen englisch und habe keine ahnung was ich lernen könnte-außer vokabeln Kennt ihr hilfreiche vokabrln..
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