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Dreaming of Equality - a timeline

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Dreaming Of Equality - a timeline

year / event
1775- 1783 War of Independence > Colonies won

4th July 1776 Declaration of Independence , but equality of men did not include blacks

- U.S. ban importation of African slaves > howewer did't help slaves in the U.S.
- Abolitionism: movement to end slavery

1860 Southern States left Union

1861 Beginning of American Civil War

-President Lincoln signed Emancipation Proclamation > Liberation of Slaves/ End of Slavery
-13th Amendment > slavery completely illegal in the U.S.

1865 End of Civi War > Victory of Northern States (Union) under leadership of President Lincoln

1870 15th Amendment to the Constitution > Equal suffrage for every citizen, no matter what race you are

1865 - today Racism didn't stop entirely (e.g. KkK est. 1865)

ca. 1876 - 1964 Jim Crow law (racial segregation) (named by famous song "Jump Jim Crow"

Martin Luther King:
>; great non-violent protestor and orator
>; helped to give blacks all rights

1954 Racial segregation in school was declared illegal

1955 After Rosa Parks got arrested because she didn't give her seat in the bus to a white man, King started a protest (boycotting bus)

1956 Racial Segregation in public transport was declared illegal

1957 ''The Little Rock Nine'' : Students from Little Rock, Arkansas, fighting against racism

1963 King's popular speech ''I have a dream''

1964 Civil Rights Act > stopped racial segregation
Tabellarische Chronologie des amerikanischen Weges zur Gleichheit aller Menschen, Hausaufgabe Gymnasium, 11. Klasse (221 Wörter)
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