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charity - korrekur lesen?!

Frage: charity - korrekur lesen?!
(1 Antwort)

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Today I am going to talk about a charity which I would support.
There are many different carities which people can sopport but I have chosen the organization called „World Vision“. First of all I would like to tell you something about their work and afterwards I am going to tell you why I would support exactly this relief organization.

World Vision is a Christian relief, development and organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to reduce poverty and injustice. Inspired by Christian values, they are dedicated to working with the world’s most poorest people. They serve all people without regard to their religion, race, ethnicity or gender.

World Vision began with the vision of one man called Bob Pierce in 1947. He began building an organisation dedicated to helping the world`s poorest children. Over the next several decades, World Vision expanded its work throughout Asia, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Resources from child sponsorship assisted poor children with food, education, health care and vocational training.

Today the focus of the World Vision organization is divided into five major areas: emergency relief, education, health care, economic development, and promotion of justice. World Vision activities include transformational development, emergency relief, strategic initiatives, public awareness campaigns and promoting Christianity. Though World Vision has consultative status with UNESCO and partnerships with like UNICEF, WHO and ILO, its financial records reveal that it has funded evangelical activities all over the world.

World Vision provides emergency relief to people whose lives are endangered by disasters or conflicts and who need immediate assistance. It attempts to respond to all major emergencies around the world themselves or in cooperation with their partner agencies. For example, World Vision responded to famine in Ethiopia and North Korea, hurricanes in Central America, the tsunami in the Indian Ocean nations, earthquakes in India, Taiwan, Turkey and war refugees in Kosovo. World Vision believes missionary work is a fundamental part of its relief work. The organization believes in the Christian God, claiming the "person of Jesus offers hope of renewal, restoration, and reconciliation."

The reason why I would support this organization is, that I feel sorry for such people and i would like to support them. I believe that every person needs recognition and help in some ways in their lives. For example people in in Ethiopia are very poor and often children die because they do not have enough food. World Vision helps them to get food, education and safety. Maybe when I am older I will support a godchild from another country who does not have a family. It is necessary to help such children because when they do not get help from others they are lost. I think that such a orgnization is very important because all over the world too many poeple need help and I believe that many poeple may agree with me and they do also support such a reliefs.

könnte ich sonst noch etwas ergänzen... würde mich über tipps freuen... :)
Frage von kirstn (ehem. Mitglied) | am 02.04.2011 - 09:56

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Antwort von nostalgie (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.04.2011 - 21:39
z.1-2 there are many different charity organisations..but i have chosen an organisation called...
z.8 regardless their religion
z.19 with organisations* like
z.24 mach "themselves" weg,
schreib lieber without assistance
z.37 and often lack food
z.27-31 Poor children without additional help may feel insecure and lost, so it is necessary to help them. I think that such organisations are very crucial because there are people suffering worldwide from poverty and need to be supported. I also believe that many people agree with me and would also support such an organisation.

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