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bitte schnell verbessern, ist richtig Wichtig !

Frage: bitte schnell verbessern, ist richtig Wichtig !
(6 Antworten)

M. : Welcome to the Jerry Springer Show on MTV.

Today our guest is the King of pop - Michael Jackson.
.. Hello Michael Jackson, How are you ?

M.J. : I`m fine.Thank You.
M. : It`s a pleasure that you have come here.
Michael, how did your solo career start and go on?

M.J. : My album, named "Off the Wall", which immediately captured to the top of the charts appeared in 1979 . Three years later the album was released with the title "Thriller". Meanwhile, I was experimenting with new vocal layers and a new style of disco music. So he invented his own dance direction for moonwalk and robot.
The video clip for the track "Thriller" was the most expensive productions in the music industry. The album hit all hitherto existing sales records. more than 50 million times the plate was sold.
In 1984 my producer and me got eight Grammys for "Thriller."
The album had landed within a few days at the number one of the best selling records in the world. The new singles "Billie Jean" and "Beat it" were successful songs as well.
But in 1989 I earned 125 million U.S. dollars by producing songs.
"Dangerous" in 1992 was a worldwide success with over 30 million records sold. I took me on my private estate "Neverland back since 1990

M. : You`ve just talked about the Neverland Ranch.
The Neverland Ranch is located in Santa Ynez Valley in California, it
has cost about 28 million U.S. dollars.
The ranch is very remote in the Santa Ynez Valley, about ten minutes outside the town of Los Olivos and about 13 km north of the town of Santa Ynez. The region lives primarily on the wine.
they bought the ranch in 1988 and in the same train her parents` home in Encino, California abandoned. Go to Neverland Ranch was among other things, a theme park with various attractions, a zoo, cinema, museums. The total size is 11 km ². If the media are talking about the Neverland Ranch, is usually the station of the leisure path shown. This house in the style of Disney movies was not the residence of the property.
They have many sick sooner or invited from socially disadvantaged families originated children on their ranch.

M.J. : Yes, I invited the one where the parents can not afford that. Or where the children missing part in parks not because they have a disability.

M. : What have they done then as the Neverland Ranch was built ready?
What was the situation with their own children?

M.J. : I got married in 1994 Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of the King of Rock `n` Roll Elvis Presley. With it I got no children and was divorced in 1996. Then I was put back on a new album "History" and I was active in several social organizations and charity concerts have given to help children.
1996 to 1999 I was married to Deborah Jeanne Rowe. Then my first son, Prince Michael I was born. After the birth of my second child, Paris Michael Katherine, the relationship is also, unfortunately, failed.
2002 my third child, Prince Michael Jackson II was born, but where is the mother of anonymity.

M. : Oh yes, Then came their headlines, because of child abuse in the media befor!
... Oh yes, then they were only about 1 in the press because of the reproach of child abuse!
He was an arrest warrant against her, alleging abuse of minors for 2003. Bail in the millions, they could avoid the trial.
In December 2004, led the prosecution of Los Angeles a search of Neverland Ranch to search for the evidence of the lawsuit against them.
As in 1993 they were accused, they with the 13-year-old boy Jordan Chandler, who was with his close friend, to have had a sexual relationship.

M.J. : Yes, but the began on child abuse in 2005 in Los Angeles: I threatened up to 20 years in prison. But mid-2005, I was acquitted of all charges.
After my acquittal of charges of child abuse I had left my main residence in Los Olivos and moved with my three children in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
The Neverland Ranch has been closed until further notice, because I the estate since the end of the process no longer regarded as his home.
I was quite taken back from the public.

M. : That`s it. In time, they have also greatly changed externally ... How the early 1980s, they have undergone their first operation. They stated in an interview with Oprah Winfrey to have undergone two operations on his nose, and an engagement on the chin. They said that he was obliged for medical reasons
In addition, interventions were made by the head, as they have been injured in a fireworks effect the shooting of an advertising and Sport.
In 1993, she suffered from a skin disease vitiligo destroys the pigmentation of their skin and the color has changed.
.. Let us make the end what they want now?

M.J. : On; 5 March 2009 I announced my comeback at a press conference with the concert series "This Is It" in London`s O2 Arena.
At first I had planned only 10 concerts. But after it came to a large demand, we have 40 more scheduled dates for the concert.

M: Oh, thank you because they were Michael Jackson, we express
Your fingers crossed, so they have a good comeback.

M.J.: Thank you!

M: Yes dear viewers, now we are back at the end of my talk show. Again Thanks also to my audience and viewers at home. Turn Næste week, back to himself at times here at
MTV one. Bye.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 30.03.2010 - 18:31

Beiträge 6266
Antwort von Double-T | 30.03.2010 - 18:33
: Welcome to the Jerry Springer Show on MTV.
Today our guest is the King of pop - Michael Jackson.
.. Hello Michael Jackson, How are you ?

M.J. : I`m fine.Thank You.

M.J. : I`m dead.

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 30.03.2010 - 18:37
Da diese Geschichte, das Interview, in der Vergangenheit spielt, ist es möglich.

@ Anonym: Was allerdings nicht geht, ist die Wiederholung des Threads. Du darfst jede Frage nur einmal stellen. Sonst ist das eine Regelverletzung und kann verwarnt werden.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 30.03.2010 - 20:16
So he invented his own dance direction: Da MJ antwortet wohl: So I invented
more than 50 million times the plate was sold. : the record (plate ist NICHT Platte!) was sold (or: has been sold) more than 50 million times.
In 1984 my producer and me: my producer and I(!, ich weiss, die Amis sagen auch gerne YOU AND ME statt YOU AND I , aber I ist nun mal Subjekt und kein Objekt hier)
I took me on my private estate "Neverland back since 1990?
I have stayed on my private estate "Neverland" since 1990 (ist wohl so gemeint)
they bought the ranch in 1988 and in the same train: IN THE SAME TRAIN?
du meinst wphl "im gleichen Zug" (aber nicht das Fahrzeug) , also besser "at the same time"
...ich merke jetzt immer mehr, dass das eine typische GOOGLE Übersetzung ist, die normalerweise ein Mensch nicht so machen würde...
am besten wirklich erst selbst übersetzen.
Man kann zwar etwas von der GOOGLE Übersetzung verstehen, aber vieles ist einfach Schrott, weil Wort für Wort übersetzt...
Wenns wirklich deine eigene Übersetzung ist, solltest du mehr lernen oder Englisch so schnell es geht abwählen.

Antwort von GAST | 30.03.2010 - 20:18
Da muss ich "matata" Recht geben.
Anstatt den Thread zu wiederholen, verdiene dir ein bisschen credits hinzu und schieb dein !Thread"! in die top5*.^^

mfg mainza

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 30.03.2010 - 20:35
Hätte der Threadersteller die Aufgaben schneller gelöst, zum Beispiel vorgestern schon, hätten wir das schon längstens hinter uns.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 30.03.2010 - 20:38
Klingt wirklich nach Übersetzungsmaschine
... die anderen sollen dann die Arbeit machen
Ansonsten helf ich im Bereich Englisch gern

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