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James Madison,4th President of The United States:Biographie?

Frage: James Madison,4th President of The United States:Biographie?
(14 Antworten)

hallo, kann mir das jemand bitte kontrollieren?
Ich muss ein Referat über James Madison halten, fehlt da noch was wichitges oder ist das okay so? Brauche echt hilfe, danke

James Madison was born on the 15th March in Port Conwy in Virginia, USA as the son of a settler.

He enjoyed a humanistic school education.
He finished his studies with the bachelor of Arts.

In 1776 he was elected in the Convent of Virginia, he supported/ advocated for independence and constitution for USA.
While the american revolution he supported the resistance movement against Great Britain in Virginia.
He got to know the governor and later the rpesident Thomas Jefferson., with whom he had a lifelong friendship.
In 1780 James Madison was elected in the continental congress, where he advocated a central government.
In 1781 he made the Virginia Plan.

The plan comprised a strong national central government, personal liberty right and the variety of party. He explained the ultimate principle of the republican system of government with the model of a party system.
In 1789 to 1797 Madison was the representative of the Vrigina Congress.
In 1794 he married Dolley Payne Todd.
After he supported the presidential elections of Thomas Jefferson, he became in 1801 foreign minister.

In the election campaign in 1808 Madison became the fourth president of teh USA. In 1812 there was the american-britain war. In the same year Madison was elected for a second term.
He was able to finish the war with a peace agreement. In March 1817 he was deposited from being a president.

In the following years Jefferson supported the University of Virgina. He was advisor of the subsequent president James Monroe.
In 1829 he came officially to the political life, to help on the constitutianl conent of Virgina. After that he back out of the politics to his private luife.

James Madison died on the 28th June in 1836 in Monpelier in Virginia.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 28.03.2011 - 17:22

Beiträge 0
Antwort von nostalgie (ehem. Mitglied) | 28.03.2011 - 19:14
Madison was born on the 15th March, `1751` ..

Antwort von GAST | 28.03.2011 - 21:26
ah ok
und sonst so?

Antwort von GAST | 29.03.2011 - 19:26
ich brauch da vllt hilfe

Beiträge 0
Antwort von nostalgie (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.03.2011 - 21:14
z.7 Throughout the american revolution he supported the resistance movements..

z.9-10 He got to know the governor Thomas Jefferson, who was USA`s following president. They had a lifelong friendship.

z.14-16 The plan was to write an all-new constitution rather than attempting to revise and correct the weak Articles of Confederation.
The plan also included a strong national central government, personal liberty rights and the variety of parties.
(lass den teil "He explained the ultimate principle of the republican system of government with the model of a party system." weg)

z.17 In 1789 to 1797 Madison he was elected as the representative of the Vrigina Congress.

z.21-22 The War of U.S. and Great Britain started in 1812, which followed by Madison`s election for a second term.

z.23 He was the advisor..

z.25 In 1829 he intensified more to the political life..

z.26 After that he backed out of the politics to pursue his private life.

Beiträge 339
Antwort von Tilman | 30.03.2011 - 21:22
Did he really enjoy his education?

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Antwort von nostalgie (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.03.2011 - 21:27
u mean james madison?

Antwort von GAST | 03.04.2011 - 18:11
ja ich muss jz noch was genaueres über seine schullaufbahn wissen
aber ich finde im internet net viel
nur dass er ne humanistische schulausbildung genoss
aber welchen job er hatte konnte ich nicht herausfinden

Antwort von GAST | 03.04.2011 - 18:25
und ich finde nichts zu seinem privatleben irgendwie
also ob er kinder hatte
mit wem er verheiratet war und so
kann mir da mal bitte jemand helfen?

Antwort von GAST | 03.04.2011 - 19:03
kann mir jz mal jemand bitte helfen?

Antwort von GAST | 03.04.2011 - 19:17
wieso hilft mir hier niemand? ich brauch das voll dringend

Antwort von GAST | 03.04.2011 - 19:21
@ Whoops, ich hätte dir ja gern geholfen, aber nur dann, wenn du eine eigene Arbeit angefertigt hättest.
Dein "Referat" ist eine schlechte Übersetzung aus dem "whoswho"
(; deine einzige Arbeit bestand darin, einige Sätze wegzulassen.

Antwort von GAST | 08.05.2011 - 00:55
ja das ist auch noch nicht fertig, ich hab das erst mal alles übersetzt, und dann muss ich noch en handout machen
das schreib ich alles natürich nicht aufs handout
ich wollte nur, dass ihr meine übersetzung da korrigiert und vllt noch was wichtiges hinzufügt

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 08.05.2011 - 02:20
James Madison was born on the 15th March 1751 in Port Conway in Virginia, USA as the son of a settler.

He enjoyed a humanistic school education. He finished his studies with the bachelor of Arts.

In 1776 he was elected in the Convent of Virginia, he supported/ advocated for independence and constitution for USA.
Throughout the American revolution he supported the resistance movement against Great Britain in Virginia.
He got to know the governor and later the president Thomas Jefferson., with whom he had a lifelong friendship.
In 1780 James Madison was elected in the continental congress, where he advocated a central government.
In 1781 he made the Virginia Plan.

The plan comprised a strong national central government, personal liberty right and the variety of party. He explained the ultimate principle of the republican system of government with the model of a party system.
In 1789 to 1797 Madison was elected as the representative of the Virginia Congress.
In 1794 he married Dolley Payne Todd.
After he supported the presidential elections of Thomas Jefferson, he became in 1801 foreign minister.

In the election campaign in 1808 Madison became the fourth president of the USA. In 1812 there was the American-Britain war. In the same year Madison was elected for a second term.
He was able to finish the war with a peace agreement. In March 1817 he was deposited from being a president.

In the following years Jefferson supported the University of Virginia. He was the advisor of the subsequent president James Monroe.
In 1829 he intensified more the political life, to help on the constitutional convent of Virginia. After that he backed out of the politics to pursue his private life.

James Madison died on the 28th June in 1836 in Montpelier in Virginia.

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Antwort von GAST | 08.05.2011 - 13:18
ok danke, ich schreib noch was und poste es hier später rein

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