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Text in Englisch.

Frage: Text in Englisch.
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Summary im Simple Past. - Grammatikalisch und zeitlich richtig?

The story is about a family that came from Missouri and they want to go to California in the 1900 century. The parents came originally from Bavaria and moved to Missouri. The children, a boy and a girl, were born in America. The father dreamed about a own farm and own land. Because this they decided on went to California. The girl was frightened because she heard bad stories about people who died on the wagon trains in Indian attacks or because they didn`t have enough food. The parents walked almost the whole way because the wagon wasn`t really big enough for all the things. The children drove with the wagon train. Six months later when they arrived California. Five years later they have a own house and a small own farm in California.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 09.03.2011 - 16:35

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