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Bitte Grammatik korriegieren!

Frage: Bitte Grammatik korriegieren!
(2 Antworten)

also wir sollten 3 Fragen beantworten und ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.

DANKE im Voraus!

1.Ehat can you say about can-do girls?

Can-do girls are encouraged by their fathers, that´s why they have a strong self-confidence and they a good relationship with their parents.Moreover the ´´power girls´´ believe that they are better than men and they have
high hopes for the future.The interviw showed that 638 girls are high-flying can-do girls of 3000.

2.What can you say about can-do girls fathers?

the fathers play a major role in their life because they are an example for the girls.

3.What can say about thr differene between can-do girls and low-can-do girls?

The can-do girls are pleased and successful in their life. Moreover they think always possitiv because they believe they are better than boys and they have high hopes.
But the low-can-do girls think that life is unfair to women. They worry a lot. Threfore they have many problems for example weight-problem, depresion or eating disorders.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 06.03.2011 - 18:35

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Antwort von Dominik04 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.03.2011 - 18:43
Can-do girls are encouraged by their fathers, which is why they have a strong self-confidence and [-] a good relationship with their parents. Moreover the "power girls" believe that they are better than men and they have high hopes for the future. An (oder geht`s um ein bestimmtes?) interview showed that 638 of 3000 girls are high-flying can-do girls.

The can-do girls are pleased and successful in their life. Moreover they think always positively ("think positive" wird aber auch verwendet) because they believe they are better than boys and [-] have high hopes.
But the low-can-do girls think that life is unfair to women. They worry a lot. Therefore they have many problems for example weight-problems, depression or eating disorders.

Antwort von GAST | 06.03.2011 - 20:16
Can-do girls are encouraged by their fathers that (1)is why they have got a strong self-confidence and [-] a good relationship with their parents. Moreover the "power girls" believe that they are better than men and they have high hopes for the future. An (oder geht`s um ein bestimmtes?) interview has shown (2) that 638 of 3000 girls are high-flying can-do girls.

3)The can-do girls are pleased and successful in their lives(3). Moreover they always (4)think positively ("think positive" wird aber auch verwendet) because they believe they are better than boys and [-] they have (5) high hopes.
But the low-can-do girls think that life is unfair to women. They worry a lot. Therefore they have many problems for example weight-problems, depressions (6) or eating disorders.

1) das "that is" ist sprachlich dem "which" vorzuziehen.
2) pres. perfect (kein Signalwort verweist auf die Verg.heit - und da der Text im Präs. steht muss hier Perfekt folgen.)
3) bei Plural-Subjekt muss bei "life" auch der Plural stehen
4) Häufigkeitsadverb steht nach dem Subjekt - nie nach dem Prädikat
5) ohne "they have " wäre der Bezug falsch, denn die Bezugsaussage ist "...they believe ..." und darauf kannst du nicht "high hopes" beziehen
6) siehe oben "lives" - jede Frau hat ihre Depression, sie alle haben dann "Depressionen"

he fathers play major roles in their lives because they are an example for the girls.

vgl. meinen Kommentar zu "lives" bzw. "depressions"


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