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Frage: Englisch Inhaltsangabe
(3 Antworten)

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Nike coming clean about sweatshops

BNE:Nike is finalls coming clean over its infamous and dubious labor practices after years of allegation that is exploits workers,many of whom have been alleged to be children.The company ha made available on its website an unrecedented and detailed 108-page report of the 705 worldwide factories that produce its footwear and clothing.The document datails things from factory locations,working conditions of its 650.000 employees and abuses of those workers.Just over half of Nike´s Asian employees work more than sixy hours week,up to fifty per cent have restricted access to toilets and drinking water and work seven days a week;and o quarter of workers receive less than the legal minimum wage,despite Nike´s huge profit margins.
The release of the report,conducted by the independent Fair Labor Association,is welcome news for human rights activists who have continually investigated,exposed and embarrassed Nike for its sweatshop practice.Releasing the document now means Nike´s factories can be independently monitored to provide better working conditions for its longsuffering employees.Michael Posner,executive director of Human Rights First,hailed the report as "an important step forward" and praised Nike for its transparency.But he added: "The facts on the ground suggest there are still enormous problems with these supply chains and factories". He asked the important question: "What is Nike doing to change the picture and give workers more rights"?

Könntet ihr mir bitte helfen,von diesem Text eine Inhaltsangabe zu schreiben?
Frage von Seminya (ehem. Mitglied) | am 08.12.2010 - 20:51

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Antwort von matata | 08.12.2010 - 22:57
Mach einen Entwurf und setz ihn ins Forum.
Dann können wir dir helfen.
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Antwort von Seminya (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.12.2010 - 09:37
wie kann ich daraus einen Entwurf machen?

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Antwort von cleosulz | 09.12.2010 - 10:34
Dein Text handelt von den Arbeitsbedingungen bei Nike, vor allem in den asiatischen Produktionsgebieten und die Möglichkeiten, wie diese besser kontrolliert werden können und endet mit der Frage, was Nike tut, um die Verhältnisse zu ändern und den Arbeitnehmern mehr Rechte zu geben?
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