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Zusammenfassung der englischen Zeitformene

Alles zu Grammatik und Vokabeln

Overview: The Tenses simple vs. progressive

simple form -- progressive form

simple present -- present progressive
My father repairs my bike. -- My father is repair ing my bike.
I am a pupil at a grammar school.
The teacher teaches English to the pupils. -- The teacher is teaching English to the pupils.

simple past -- simple present

My father repair ed my bike yesterday. -- My father was repair ing my bike . yesterday when I came home.
I was pupil at a grammar school last year.
The teacher taught English to the pupils. -- The teacher was teach ing English
when the headmaster arrived.

present perfect -- present perfect progressive

My father repair ed the bike (yet). My father has been repair ing my
bike allday.
I have been a pupil at a grammar school.
The teacher has taught English to the pupils . The teacher has been teach ing
English all lesson.

past perfect -- past perfect progressive

After my father had repair ed my bike, -- After my father had been repair ing
he watched TV yesterday. -- my bike for 5 hours he watched TV.
After I had been a pupil at a grammar school,
I became a teacher.
After the teacher had been teach ing
English to the pupils allday the pupils
were tired.

simple will future -- will future progressive

Maybe my father will repair my bike -- Maybe my father will be repair ing
(tomorrow). my bike allday tomorrow.
I hope , I will be a pupil at a
grammar school.
I think the teacher will teach English -- Maybe the teacher will teach ing English
to the pupils tomorrow. -- to the pupils allday tomorrow.

simple be going to future

My father is going to repair my
bike tomorrow.
I am going to be a pupil at a
grammar school.
The teacher is going to teach English
to the pupils allday tomorrow.

simple present (mit futuristischer Bedeutung) -- present progressive(mit futuristischer Bdt.)
The train leaves at 8 o’clock. -- My is father repar ing my bike tomorrow.
We have English next Tuesday.

future perfect
By tomorrow evening my father
will have repair ed my bike.
Die Zusammenfassung erklärt alle englischen Zeitformen durch jeweils mehrere Beispiele. Die Besonderheiten bei der Bildung der jeweiligen Form sind farbig vorgehoben. (329 Wörter)
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  • Seiten zum lernen von englisch vokabeln
    hey leute kennt ihr vllt ne seite, wo man die englischen vokabeln eingibt und diese einen dann abfrägt?
  • Nachhilfe...
    Ich hab da so nen Nachhilfeschüler, der zwar in Grammatik top is, aber in Sachen Vokabeln ne totale Niete.... Hat jemand ne Idee..
  • Vokabeln - Englisch
    Hallo, Ich versuche meinen Englischen wortschatz etwas aufzubessern, dazu verwende ich das Programm: "Lexitrainer". Meine ..
  • Vokabeln
    Wie lernt man am besten Vokabeln. Ich bekomme so viele Vokabeln auf da komm ich nicht mehr mit.
  • Vokabular Analyse
    Hey Leute:)Bin dringend auf der Suche nach guten und hilfreichen Vokabeln für Gedichtsanalysen im Englischen(13.jahrgang)! Danke..
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