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Englisch Text Über New York

Frage: Englisch Text Über New York
(2 Antworten)

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Ich habe nun ein Text über New York geschrieben.
Da ich denke sowas in der Arbeit vorkommt.
Ich bitte euch das ihr den vielleicht kopiert also meine mit kopieren Rechts klick kopieren und dann vielleicht die Fehler verbessert.
Bitte Bitte Schreibe übermorgen die Klassenarbeit.
Danke im Voraus

As the pilot landed by plane in New York, I was very happy.
My family and I rend a car and went to the Ritz-Carlton hotel.
We checked in in the hotel and the hotel had a big pool, but we were very tired.
Finally wwe went to sleep.
Next Day was the weather very good, so had to decide to go to the Bronx Zoo.
The Bronx Zoo is one of the biggest zoo from New Jork. There were tigers,leons,giraffes and more animals.
After the visit in the zoo, we went to the Empire State Building.
It is 380 meters high. It is one of the highest Building and it has 102 floors.
Since the completion, had about 120 Million visit it.
As we wanted to drive back. We went over the Brooklyn Bridge.
It was very nice.
It was one of my best day`s.

Dear Quizman
Frage von QuizMan (ehem. Mitglied) | am 06.10.2010 - 18:05

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Antwort von sonnenschein-28 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.10.2010 - 18:51
As the pilot landed by plane in New York, I was very happy.
My family and I rent a car and went to the Ritz-Carlton hotel.
We checked in the hotel and the hotel had a big pool, but we were very tired.
Finally we went to sleep.
Next Day the weather was very good, so we decided to go to the Bronx Zoo.
The Bronx Zoo is one of the biggest zoo in New Jork. There were tigers,lions,giraffes and more animals.
After the visit, we went to the Empire State Building.
It is 380 meter high. It is one of the highest building and it has got 102 floors.
Since the completion, had about 120 Million visit it.
As we drove back we went over the Brooklyn Bridge.
It was very nice.
It was one of my best day`s.

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Antwort von sonnenschein-28 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.10.2010 - 18:53
PS denke müsste so richtig sein

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