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englisch präsentation bwz "eurokom teil"

Frage: englisch präsentation bwz "eurokom teil"
(8 Antworten)

Englisch Eurocom 2010
Angelina Jolie
Hello and welcome to my presentation about Angelina Jolie.
I hope you´ll enjoy it.
Some facts about Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie is a very famous US-American actress, played in a lot of famous films but was once a photo model and an ambassadress for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR),too.
She supports human projects and is worldwide for her actress career and especially work with the UNHCFR familiar. She visit and help refugees in other countries and spent a lot of money to them.
Now to her family and private life
Her family and private life
Angelina was born on the 4 June 1975 in Los Angeles in California as the daughter from the actor Jon Voight. That´s why her right and full name was Angelina Jolie Voight. But her relationship to her father wasn´t fine and she revised her name later to Angelina Jolie. Jolie was on the day of her birth only her second name. Now to her mother. Her mother was from the French part of Canada. But she died already in the year 2007. Her name was Marcheline Bertrand and was also an actress. But she finished her career and moved with Angelina and her other son Angelinas brother to New York. She finished school and started with her career. But to her school life later. Now a little bit about her own family and love life. Her first marriage was already in 1996 with 19 years with Johny Lee Miller. It beard only four years. Also her marriage with the 20 years older Billy Bob Thornton beard only 3 years. She said she was still too young for so a step. Her husband now is Brad Pitt. She married him in 2006 and is still together with him. All her husbands in the past und Brad Pitt are also actors and she met them at her shootings. She has all in all 6 children, 3 of them are her own children from Brad Pitt and 3 other were adopted. Maddox Chivan, Pax Thien, Zahara Marley Jolie- Pitt are adopted and Shiloh, Knox Léon an Vivienne Marcheline(twins) Jolie-Pitt are her own children. All are from the age 2-9.
Something which I think is interesting is her school life.
Her school life
The people, who Angelina Jolie know, know she is a very beautiful and rich person. But what happened to her school time wasn´t near that description. With the age of eleven she came with her family back to Los Angeles and at first all seemed to be ok. She trained two years in a theatre school and played in some little plays. But after that as she come to the Moreno High School all good changed into bad. She was all the time bullied from her classmates and other pupils because of her fat lips and her skinny figure. Also her second hand clothes were a big problem in the school. All the pupils were from rich and wealthy families. She tried to get in the model business but she was without success. That pushed her ruffled ego completely to the bottom. She collected knives and hurt herself with them. With fourteen she broke up her spectacle training and wanted to be an undertaker. But two years later she decided to carry on with her training and her high school with success.
Way to her actress carrier
After she began to work as a photo model with 14 years and took part in many music videos she came back to the theatre and played in some students’ films. But her professional film carrier didn’t start before 1993. She played from this time on in some films in little parts but her big success didn’t come before 1997, after she was nominated for an Emmy and a Golden Globe for the film Wallance. After that she played in a film called Gia and get even more prices. She went for a short time to an university to study film but came one year later back to acting. She played from 1998 to 2001 in a lot of other films and got more and more prices. 2001 with the film “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider” began her international success. She earned more than amazing 250 million dollars. Two years later she came back with Lara Croft the continuation but the film wasn´t so successful than the first. From 2003- 2005 some other good and known films followed. For example the Taking Lives or Big sharks little fish. After that her biggest achievement was coming. With Mr and Mrs Smith 2005 she earned over 450 million dollars. She acted together with her husband Brad Pitt. From 2005 to now she hadn´t finished her acting carrier and acts in many other films. For example in Wanted 2008. In February 2010 her rotation works to her next film ”The tourist” are started. Maybe you see it in a little while in the cinema.
Yes but her films anyway weren’t always good enough for everybody. Her films were often criticized by the public and film reviewer. For example the saying: “ The story drop more into herself together than her risky décolleté.” Or “The middle part of the film absurd.” And was even nominated for the worse actress for the part 2 of the film Lara Croft.
But I think which actor or actress is not criticized by someone. The reason why she´s so famous and so good in acting is just because she is able to acts like it’s real and she can displace herself in everybody. And she acts like she did something before. That´s it!
And that was the end of my presentation.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 02.10.2010 - 15:42

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Antwort von HammerHai88 (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.10.2010 - 16:09
An sich Ist die Biografie nicht Schlecht ich weiß ja nicht

wie lange die Präsentation gehen soll bei 5 min ist das zu viel
Ich denke mal für 10 min reicht das dicke aus villeicht könntest
du ja noch etwas anderes hinzufügen was villeicht noch keiner weiß.


Antwort von GAST | 02.10.2010 - 16:12
des soll 5min gehn:D ist des zu viel? ich probiers mal aus:D

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Antwort von HammerHai88 (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.10.2010 - 16:15
also meiner Meinung nach ist das schon zuviel denn ich mache
Vorträge immer so dass ich einige Stichpunkte in die Länge
ziehen deswegen lieben mich auch die Lehrer XD


Antwort von GAST | 02.10.2010 - 16:22
des sin so ca 7min:) passt schon so.. 5-7min solls gehen

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Antwort von HammerHai88 (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.10.2010 - 16:24
ja Na dan is das ja in Ordnung

Viel Spass bei Präsentation


Beiträge 11947
Antwort von cleosulz | 02.10.2010 - 17:01
Hast du den Vortrag mehrmals "gestoppt"?
Du sollst die Eurokom-Prüfung ja frei halten und da kann es ja schon vorkommen, dass du irgendwo stockst und du etwas länger brauchst.

Notfalls etwas kürzen.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 02.10.2010 - 17:04
ja es sind 5.55 minuten rausgekommen aber da hab ich noch eine minute dazu gemacht genau wegen stottern und so

Antwort von GAST | 03.10.2010 - 11:21
ich glaub des isch doch bissl zu viel. wenn ich dann noch bilder und sowas zeig.. habt ihr ideen was ich weglassen könnte?

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