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Frage: ich bitte um Kontrolle meines Englischtextes
(7 Antworten)

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Ihr wärd mir eine große Hilfe.
Hab sicher ein paar Fehler in meinem Englischtext ( soll zu einem Vortrag gehören)

In the course of British history there were much immigrations to Britain.In the 15 th century French arrived to Britain at first.Then followed Jews and Irish.
After the second world war mainly immigrants from the British colonial terretories- the so called New Commonwealth migrated to Britain.
They work very hard in dirty circumstances.
But a serious problem represented immigrants from west indies and Africa.A big role for problems played their Language,religion,scin colour, economic contribution and the strangeness.
Ethnic groups have fled because they were distributed from their own countries and also they wanted to reach a higher living standard.

todays situation:
The immigrants influenced the British lifestyle and also the society.Some of them had the knowledge, which the British didn´t or hardly had.For example the building of weapons and production of clock.Also they brought with them new kinds of clothes,meals,religions, traditions and so on.The Asian had the most influence to Britain and contribute to economic process.
Foreigner arrive to Britain to get a better life there.Only they can reach that if they have a good job and earn money.For example in London one in two people registred as homeless are from ethnic minorities.The unemployment of other colored immgrants is higher because they don´t have good education.But the Unemployment of Indian British is not so high and almost the same as the British indigenous.The teenager of every ethnic group mostly don´t have a job.A long time ago there was a extreme form of racial harassment at work and discrimination against they are acting against discrimination but always race riots.
Frage von SHEEP_chen (ehem. Mitglied) | am 17.03.2011 - 20:48

Antwort von GAST | 20.03.2011 - 08:38
In the 16 th century Huguenots, Protestants from France arrived in Britain.
They were followed by Jews and Irishmen.
After the Second World War mainly immigrants from the British colonial territories- the so called New
Commonwealth - migrated to Britain.
They had to work very hard under disagreeable circumstances.
But immigrants from the West Indies and Africa represented a serious problem because of their Languages ,religions, scin colour, economic contribution and their strangeness. These ethnic groups left their home countries because they were either expelled from their own countries or they wanted to reach a higher living standard.

todays situation:
The immigrants have influenced [---} British lifestyle and [---] society. Some of them had [---] knowledge, which the British didn´t [---] have. [--ganzer Satz gestrichen -nonsense - ]. They also brought with them new kinds of clothes, meals, religions and traditions. [--1--]. Asians have had most of the influence on Britain and have contributed to the economic process.
Foreigners arrive in Britain to get a better life there. They can only reach that if they have good jobs and earn money. For example, one in two people in London registered as homeless are from ethnic minorities. The unemployment of other coloured immgrants is higher because they haven`t had a good education. But the unemployment of Indian British people is not that high and almost the same as the one of Britains themselves. .The teenagers of every ethnic group mostly don´t have jobs. Some time ago an extreme form of racial harassment and discriminations against foreigners were to be observed all over the country.

Today they are acting against discrimination but always race riots. (2)

[--1--] schreibe/sage nie und nimmer "and so on" in Referat oder Prüfung, das ist "Vortäuschung falscher Tatsachen" wenn du was weißt, schreibe oder sage es - sonst halt die K....

(2) Ganzer Satz: absoluter nonsense; streichen oder umformulieren!

meine Korrektur: fett = korrigiert/eingefügt; [---] = gestrichen

Persönliche Stellungnahme: Die Tatsache, dass ich den vorliegenden Text korrigiert habe, besagt nicht, dass ich mit dem Text inhaltlich konform bin.


Antwort von GAST | 18.03.2011 - 22:57
SHEEP_chen, ich habe eine Korrektur versucht, aber als ich nach 10 Minuten noch in der 6.Zeile deines Texters steckte, habe ich aufgegeben, da Zeitaufwand und Erfolg in keinem Verhältnis standen.

Falls du deinen Text noch mal überarbeitest, nur zur historischen Klarstellung,:
Französische Immigranten kamen kurz nach der Franz.-Normannischen Invasion 1066 und dann erst wieder nach der Reformation in Deutschland im 16.Jh, als nämlich die Hugenotten vor der Verfolgung in Frankreich fliehen mussten.

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Antwort von SHEEP_chen (ehem. Mitglied) | 19.03.2011 - 10:45
Ja stimmt, old_but_alert1 wahrscheinlich hast du Recht und es haben sich viel zu viele Fehler eingeschlichen... Die Informationen hatte ich aber aus einem Buch.Und es soll ja nur eine kleine Zusammenfassung der Geschichte sein.Ich habe es nochmal überarbeitet, und es wäre sehr nett wenn du nochmal drüberschaust.

In the course of British history there were much immigrations to Britain.Firstly, even 250 until 1066 Celtic,Romans,Angles Saxons,Jutes,Frisians,Franks and Normans arrived and formed the first communities in the British Isles.Some other ethnic groups like Jews or Lombards from Italy also migrated to great Britain.
In the 16 th century Huguenots, protestants from France arrived to Britain.Then followed Jews and Irish.
After the second world war mainly immigrants from the British colonial terretories- the so called New Commonwealth migrated to Britain.
They work very hard in dirty circumstances.
But a serious problem represented immigrants from west indies and Africa.A big role for problems played their Language,religion,scin colour, economic contribution and the strangeness. Ethnic groups have fled because they were distributed from their own countries and also they wanted to reach a higher living standard.

todays situation:
The immigrants influenced the British lifestyle and also the society.Some of them had the knowledge, which the British didn´t or hardly had.For example the building of weapons and production of clock.Also they brought with them new kinds of clothes,meals,religions, traditions and so on.The Asian had the most influence to Britain and contribute to economic process.

Foreigner arrive to Britain to get a better life there.Only they can reach that if they have a good job and earn money.For example in London one in two people registred as homeless are from ethnic minorities.The unemployment of other colored immgrants is higher because they don´t have good education.But the Unemployment of Indian British is not so high and almost the same as the British indigenous.The teenager of every ethnic group mostly don´t have a job.A long time ago there was a extreme form of racial harassment at work and discrimination against they are acting against discrimination but always race riots.

Antwort von GAST | 19.03.2011 - 14:57
Na wenn ich mich nicht irre wechselst du bei "today situation" zwischen den Zeiten
Du solltest beim present bleiben und nicht erst das past verwenden..
das ist mir als Erstes aufgefallen, leider habe ich nicht sehr viel Zeit, bis wann musst du das fertig haben? ich bin selber grad im Referatsstress

Beim essay schreibst du ja auch: Sie bringen Waffen mit nach Europa..
weiß nicht aber ich glaube man muss im present bleiben

Liebe Grüße

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Antwort von SHEEP_chen (ehem. Mitglied) | 19.03.2011 - 17:05
hmm na ich wollte ja noch kurz berichten was fürn einfluss die haben,ist das nicht richtig wenn ich dann im past bleibe?

ich muss es bis dienstag fertig haben :(


Antwort von GAST | 19.03.2011 - 17:40

Sheepchen, ich weiß nicht ,ob diesen Link kennst; deine Übersicht über die Immigrationswellen ist so Kraut-und-Rüben-mäßig, dass es mir beim Lesen graust ... ob die wenigen lombardischen Geschäftsleute im 12.Jh nach Britain kamen und die zuvor vertriebenen Juden bei Geldgeschäften ersetzten... Schwamm drüber; du solltest anders gliedern.

In the pre-Christian millenium: immigration of Celtic tribes /peoples;

Roman conquest and occupation from 50BC to around 400 AD;

since 450 BC "emigration of nations" : settlement of West-Germanic tribes/peoples (Angles, Jutes, Saxons, Frisians)in England; followed by

North-Germanic peoples (Danes, Vikings) between 800 and 1000.

1066 French speaking Normans led by William the Conqueror
occupy England...

du solltest klarer gliedern

Antwort von GAST | 20.03.2011 - 08:38
In the 16 th century Huguenots, Protestants from France arrived in Britain.
They were followed by Jews and Irishmen.
After the Second World War mainly immigrants from the British colonial territories- the so called New
Commonwealth - migrated to Britain.
They had to work very hard under disagreeable circumstances.
But immigrants from the West Indies and Africa represented a serious problem because of their Languages ,religions, scin colour, economic contribution and their strangeness. These ethnic groups left their home countries because they were either expelled from their own countries or they wanted to reach a higher living standard.

todays situation:
The immigrants have influenced [---} British lifestyle and [---] society. Some of them had [---] knowledge, which the British didn´t [---] have. [--ganzer Satz gestrichen -nonsense - ]. They also brought with them new kinds of clothes, meals, religions and traditions. [--1--]. Asians have had most of the influence on Britain and have contributed to the economic process.
Foreigners arrive in Britain to get a better life there. They can only reach that if they have good jobs and earn money. For example, one in two people in London registered as homeless are from ethnic minorities. The unemployment of other coloured immgrants is higher because they haven`t had a good education. But the unemployment of Indian British people is not that high and almost the same as the one of Britains themselves. .The teenagers of every ethnic group mostly don´t have jobs. Some time ago an extreme form of racial harassment and discriminations against foreigners were to be observed all over the country.

Today they are acting against discrimination but always race riots. (2)

[--1--] schreibe/sage nie und nimmer "and so on" in Referat oder Prüfung, das ist "Vortäuschung falscher Tatsachen" wenn du was weißt, schreibe oder sage es - sonst halt die K....

(2) Ganzer Satz: absoluter nonsense; streichen oder umformulieren!

meine Korrektur: fett = korrigiert/eingefügt; [---] = gestrichen

Persönliche Stellungnahme: Die Tatsache, dass ich den vorliegenden Text korrigiert habe, besagt nicht, dass ich mit dem Text inhaltlich konform bin.


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Antwort von SHEEP_chen (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.03.2011 - 12:58
Vielen Dank old-but-alert ...
Du warst mir ene große Hilfe und das inahaltliche versuche ich noch zu verbessern aufgrund deiner Hinweise.

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