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Englisch Referat über den Film "nothing personal"

Frage: Englisch Referat über den Film "nothing personal"
(3 Antworten)

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Hey ihr englischbegabten menschen,
ich wäre euch wirklich dankbar wenn jemand sich erbarmen würde und mein referat über den film "nothing personal" durchlesen und korrigieren würde.
ich bin so langsam echt am verzweifeln. ich muss das referat morgen schon halten.

Nothing Personal
a film by Urszula Antoniak

1.) Plot

A silver wedding ring, an empty evacuated flat and some commodity items which were sold at a loss as rummage – that are the last things which remember Anne’s old life. Only with a rucksack and some elementary objects like a tent and a sleeping bag the young Dutch starts for Ireland to hike there in absolute loneliness through the wilderness. The young woman enjoys the loneliness and the independent life aloof the turmoil and the big town.

But the liberty to do what you want brings disadvantages as well. The rummage around in garbage for eatable carryovers arranges her derogative glances of a family of four and the car driver who gives her a ride has zero in sex already after a short spell. So she jumps out of the car and after this experience she prefers to walk by foot and to keep away from all people.

But the life in totally isolation succeeded her not very long. As she discovers a solitary house in the idyll Irelands she can’t abstract the appeal to enter. Shortly after she encounters the inhabitant: the considerably elder widower Martin, who lives completely alone there. They quick make an arrangement: food for work but on condition that he’s not allowed to ask her any individual questions. Nothing personal. The woman even refuses to give her name so he just called her “You”. Martin suggests that if he breaks the rule then he has to sing, and when he does, his rendition of a country number is hilarious. This easy rules didn’t hold very long. After Anne insists for a while to eat alone in front of the house she has the heart to sit down at Martin’s table and savour his cookeries. Also the challenges he gives her entice Anne more and more into the inside of the house and when she feels herself unobserved she listens to his classical CDs. One day Martin gives her a walkman so that she can listen to music while she’s working.

Even though they just talk no more than what is absolutely necessary, they start to break bit by bit the walls, they both have build around them, down and they begin to get to know each other step by step. So it exists under a cowardly and abnormal way a relationship between the two… more on a spiritually flat without kisses or sexual intercourse. They give themselves here and there a smile, treat each other with odds and ends like a potato-parfait, remain in silence and hardly try to disguise how much they are interested in each other. They orbit themselves clandestine, enjoy the opposite association and they nevertheless don’t give up their self-imposed distance.

But Martin is ill, he has problems with his lungs and he is afraid to die during he sleeps. So he begs Anne to lie next to him and look after him one night. Although they couch side by side nothing sexual happens.

One day she wants to bring Martin breakfast and makes a terrible detection. He is death. Next to him lies a letter: He writes in it that he pities how the relationship ends, that she will inherit his house and his money and that he loves her.

The film has an open ending because you don’t know whether she gets back into social life or remains in loneliness.

2.) Characteristics

Anne: Anne is a young (age unimportant) Dutch backpacker from town. She has a real Irish looks with her red hair and she is a natural beauty with no make up. Perhaps she has been fiancée or was a wife because in the beginning of the film she removes a silver ring what means that she is now maybe divorced or the relationship broke up. Anne is a very self-confident person who can’t be scared easily and who doesn’t obey any rules. She likes classical music and is a very talented singer.

Martin: Martin is an aged widower who lives alone on an half-island in a small cottage in Connemara/ Ireland. He earns his livelihood with selling peat and sea weed. He is ill because he has problem with his lungs. He also has a fondness for classical music and is a very good country singer.

3.) Interpretation

-It’s not important in which time the story is laid.
-The feelings of the protagonists match the typical Irish weather which is very foggy, cloudy, rainy and no sunshine.
-The landscape and the house in the film are like the third and fourth headliner: the wideness, the breakers, the cliffs, the hills and the fitments of the house are not just backgrounds; they have a special aura: “an oasis of silence” as Urszula Antoniak, the director of the film said

Phases of a relationship:

The two go through some kind of relationship. In the beginning they make an arrangement: no personal questions, no names (they call themselves “you”). Anne is in the opening of the film very impolite and rude. But then she joins Martin for the first time when they’re having dinner, so she gives up the separated attitude. This is the turning point of the movie. Martin also flies to Amsterdam and visits her old flat to get more information about her life and character (Is the flat still belonging to her? Perhaps to keep the possibility to return someday like a plan B). He finds out her name but still keeps on calling her “You”. Anne looks through his property while he is away, too. She finds a medal and takes it with her.

à This is the first phase: they learn more about each other, it’s the beginning of a

They love each other more spiritually than physically, it’s enough to “feel” the love (no kisses, no sexual intercourse). They are like a married couple, they live together, work together and they help each other in difficult times. For example when Martin is afraid to die in sleep she lies next to him this night and pay attention that nothing worse happens. It’s perhaps their halting behaviour that accounts for the fascination of the two people. “Talent knows when to stop”, as Martin said once.

à This is the second phase: they act like a married couple

In the end the death of Martin determines the “life” they have spent together.

à This is the third phase: the end of the relationship, the death

After the death she is alone again.

à This is the fourth phase: alone

The title: “Nothing Personal”

The title is in a way ironic because the arrangement was certain to be broken someday. Every person who is at least a bit socialized is sure to cross the distance between themselves.

4.) Some information about the film and the actors

“Nothing Personal” is a film from the Polish director Urszula Antoniak. Premiere was the 14th August, 2009 on the film festivals in Locarno where it was priced with six awards. The turning operation took especially place in the north-western part of Ireland, in Connemara, “the heart and soul of Ireland” as Urszula Antoniak once said. As setting served mainly the house “Illaunroe” which belonged originally to the family of Oscar Wilde. Altogether the turning operation lasted 26 days.
To prepare herself for her part Lotte Verbeek, the actor of Anne stayed three weeks without contact to people or media to get a feeling for the seclusion of Anne’s character. The Irish actor Stephen Rea plays the role of Martin.


“Nothing Personal” is a calm, fascinating film about the borders of reclusion which is managed good with less dialogues and music. The unique atmosphere is caught with long, poetic landscape shots and excellent play of Lotte Verbeek and Stephen Rea.
Frage von Sunnygirl13 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 22.07.2010 - 15:37

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Antwort von Sunnygirl13 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.07.2010 - 16:05
es jemand durch? bin echt am verzweifeln....

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Antwort von matata | 22.07.2010 - 16:08
Nur Geduld, es sind Ferien... Und dann ist es auch ein ganzes Stück Text! Pushen gilt nicht, sondern wird verwarnt.
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von Sunnygirl13 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.07.2010 - 16:11
oh tut mir leid... ich wollte nicht pushen
ich habe leider noch keine ferien... bayern :(

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