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"The curious incident of the dog in the night-time" merkmale

Frage: "The curious incident of the dog in the night-time" merkmale
(4 Antworten)

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wir haben das buch in englisch gelesen und ich wollte mal fragen ob ihr vlt so eine seite kennt wo von allen hauptpersonen charakteristische merkmale aufgelistet sind.

wär echt super von euch wenn ihr mir helfn könntet;)

danke euch jetzt schon!
Frage von lp33hermine33 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 06.03.2010 - 09:56

Antwort von GAST | 06.03.2010 - 10:30
Das schafft sogar Wikipedia:

" * Christopher Boone: the story`s protagonist, who investigates the murder of Mrs Shears` poodle.
* Ed Boone: Christopher`s father, who is a heating engineer.
Up to the beginning of the story, he has been living with Christopher as a single parent for two years. He is usually very patient and understanding with Christopher, but gradually becomes uncomfortable with his son`s investigation.
* Judy Boone: Christopher`s mother. Early in the book, Christopher writes that she died of a heart attack two years before the book`s events. Not much of an initial description is given, but Christopher describes more about her as the story proceeds.
* Siobhan: Christopher`s teacher, friend, and mentor. She teaches him how society works and how to behave within its complex guidelines.
* Roger Shears (Mr Shears): he lived near the Boones but has left his wife before the story begins.
* Eileen Shears (Mrs Shears): one of the neighbours, who attempts to console Ed for a time after Christopher learns of his mother`s death.
* Mrs Alexander: one of Christopher`s neighbours, who offers extra information to aid Christopher`s investigation regarding his parents and both the Shearses.
* Wellington: Mrs Shears` large black poodle, which Christopher finds dead in her front yard.
* Reverend Peters: the reverend of Christopher`s local church.
* Toby: Christopher`s pet rat who is one of his few friends. He brings him along during his investigation, and later in his escape to London."


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Antwort von lp33hermine33 (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.03.2010 - 03:54
ne so meinte ich das jetzt nicht^^
ich meinte eher so n kleine liste von adjektiven die die verschiedenen hauptpersonen am besten charakterisieren;)

wär cool wenn ihr da was hättet;)

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Antwort von Briggs | 07.03.2010 - 03:55
Nimm es mir nicht übel, aber mit ha.los Vorarbeit wäre es für dich jetzt ein Leichtes, dir das passende selbst zusammenzustellen. Du solltest deine eigenen Liste posten, damit wir sie für dich korrigieren können.

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Antwort von matata | 07.03.2010 - 04:33
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