Comment Englisch
Frage: Comment Englisch(9 Antworten)
Hallo! Wir müssen einen Comment in Englisch schreiben zur Frage : Do you think it is always best to buy German? Da ich nicht sicher bin, ob das alles richtig ist, wäre ich froh über Verbesserungen ;) Many people think it is always best to buy German. Firstly it is an advantage, because it boosts economy numbers in Germany. If all people in Germany buy German products, economy will boost. As a result the folk have a better chance to find a job. The unemployment of Germany will decrease. In addition employer produces more commodities. It is themed by device and production. In contrast there is no variety of choice. In present day there is a little number of German products. Consequently you can not choose between some different objects but you can choose one object. It will be like boring stuff, because you can not demonstrate your individuality. Another point to be against to buy only German products is the cost factor. Thanks to globalization groups can move to eastern countries to produce their commodities cheaper. If all groups produce in Germany, the costs will be more expensive. In eastern countries employees work for little money, therefore people in Germany can buy clothes and other things at a low price. In my opinion it is not really the best to buy German. Indeed a very positive effect is that German economy numbers increase, but in my view it is better to buy products from all over the world. Everybody can develop themselves and can demonstrate their individuality. Moreover you can buy clothes for example on a cheap price. As a result you need not have much money. This is the reason why I think, it is not always best to buy German. |
Frage von Wurmrausch (ehem. Mitglied) | am 04.02.2010 - 15:25 |
Antwort von Wurmrausch (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.02.2010 - 15:47 |
kann |
Antwort von krissy09 (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.02.2010 - 16:07 |
Many people think that it is always best to buy German. But is it really advantageous or rather not? Firstly it is an advantage, because it boosts economy numbers in Germany. If all people in Germany buy German products, economy will boost. As a result the folk have a better chance to find a job. The unemployment of Germany will decrease. In addition employer produces more commodities. It is themed by device and production. In contrast there is no variety of choice. In present day there is a little number of German products. Consequently you can not choose between some different objects but you can choose one object. It will be like boring stuff, because you can not demonstrate your individuality. Another point to be against buying only German products is the cost factor. Thanks to globalization groups can move to eastern countries to produce their commodities cheaper. If all groups produce in Germany, the costs will be more expensive. In eastern countries employers work for little money, therefore people in Germany can buy clothes and other things at a low price. In my opinion it is not really the best to buy German. Indeed a very positive effect is that German economy numbers increase, but in my view it is better to buy products from all over the world. Everybody can develop themselves and can demonstrate their individuality. Moreover you can buy clothes for example on a cheap price. As a result you need not have much money ? was willst du damit sagen!? also auf deutsch?. That`s the reason I think, it is not always best to buy German. |
Antwort von krissy09 (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.02.2010 - 16:08 |
vielleicht: `As a result you don`t need to have much money?` ? |
Antwort von GAST | 04.02.2010 - 16:09 |
Wurmrausch, gemach, gemach, warum die Eile: Du postest hier einen Beitrag und schon 20 Minuten später "verlangst" du eine fertige Korrektur. Um mal aus dem Nähkästchen zu plaudern; eine gründliche Korrektur deines Textes dauert sicherlich auch schon 15 - 20 Minuten. Many people think it is always best to buy German. But is it really advantageous or rather not? Firstly it is an advantage, because it will boost economy figures in Germany. If all people in Germany buy German products, economy will boost. As a result people will have a better chance of finding a job. The German unemployment rate will decrease. In addition employer producemore commodities. It is themed by device and production. In contrast there is no variety of choice. At present day only a small variety of German products is available. Consequently you can not choose between some different objects but you can only choose but one object. This effects customers negatively, because they can not demonstrate their individuality. Another point to be against buying only German products is the cost factor. Thanks to globalization groups can move to eastern countries to produce their commodities cheaper. If all groups produce in Germany, the costs will be more expensive. In eastern countries employees work for little money, therefore people in Germany can buy clothes and other things at a low price. In my opinion it is not really the best to buy German. Indeed a very positive effect is that German economy numbers increase, but in my view it is better to buy products from all over the world. Everybody can develop himself (oneself) and can demonstrate his /one`s individuality. Moreover you can buy clothes for example for a cheap price. As a result you need not have much money. This is the reason why I think, it is not always best to buy German. Korrektur_ fett = korrigiert bzw. neu eingesetzt (vgl. mit dem Ausgangstext) allg. Anmerkung: Normalerweise äußere ich mich nicht zu den Inhalten der hier geposteten Texte. Zu diesem ist festzuhalten: Hier schreibt ein - so nehme ich an - Wirtschaftsoberschüler- oder VWi-Student des 1.Semesters, der nur seine Zahlen sieht und statt der Pupillen kleine Dollarzeichen in seinen Augen hat. Der Widersspruch zwischen der Forderung im 1. Teil: "mehr deutsche Produkte" um die Wirtschaft anzukurbeln und den Kunden größere Wahlmöglichlkeiten zu geben und der "Preisdiskussion" im 2. Teil wird nicht aufgehoben. Bes. die "Preisdiskussion" erforderte eigenlich ein kleines Wirtschaftskolleg hier. Warum sind denn die Preise im "Osten" so günstig: dazu gehören als Antwort: Ausbeutung, Preisdrücken durch die investierenden Firmen, niedriger Lebensstandard, geringe fixe Produktionskosten durch veraltete Maschinenn (hohes Verletzungsrisiko für die Belegschaft), kein Standards des Umweltschutzes, geringe eigene Entwicklungskosten, Kinderarbeit, Auslagerung der Arbeit in Freimarktzonen in den Häfen und und und. Wenn wir hier diese Produkte kaufen, unterstützen und fördern wir Zustände, die wir uns nicht mehr wünschen und die wir überwunden haben. (wohl noch nicht ganz, wenn ich an die modernen Dumpinglöhne bestimmter Dienstleistungsbereiche denke. ha.lo |
Antwort von GAST | 04.02.2010 - 16:12 |
1. to buy german, kann man das wirklich sagen? o.O ok, ich geh mal davon aus, dass man das so sagen kann. Many people think it is always best to buy German. But is it really advantageous or rather not? Firstly, it is an advantage, because it boosts the economy in Germany. If all people in Germany buy German products, economy will boost / grow. As a result the peoplehave a better chance to find a job. The unemployment rateof Germany will decrease. In addition, employers produce more commodities. It is themed by device and productionwas meinste damit?. However, there is no variety of choice. In present day there is a little number of German products. Consequently you cannot choose between some different products but you can only choose one product. It will be rather boring to buy, because you cannot demonstrate your individuality. Another point to be against buying only German products are the costs. Thanks to globalization groups can move to eastern countries to produce their commodities in a cheaper way. If all groups produce in Germany, the costs will be higher. In eastern countries employees work for little money, therefore people in Germany can buy clothes and other things at a low price. In my opinion it is not really the best choiceto buy German. Althougha very positive effect is that German economic rate would grow, but in my view it is better to buy products from all over the world. Everybody can develop themselves and can demonstrate their individuality. Moreover you can buy clothes for example ata cheap price. As a result you don`t need to have much money. This is the reason why I think it is not always best to buy German. |
Antwort von GAST | 04.02.2010 - 16:13 |
hahaha alle auf einmal hier:D |
Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.02.2010 - 16:23 |
Jetzt habe ich deinen Beitrag verbessert und stelle fest, dass andere schneller waren... Du hast bestimmt Verständnis dafür, dass ich meine Korrektur jetzt nicht noch mit den anderen vergleiche. Firstly it is an advantage, because it could boost the German economy. If all people in Germany buy German products, economy will boost (Musst du in if-Satz Typ II umwandeln). As a result people had a better chance to find a job. The unemployment in Germany would decrease. In addition employees would produce more commodities dependent on device and production (verstehe ich nicht). In contrast there isn`t a variety of products that offers a choice. Nowadays there is a little number of German products. Consequently you can not choose between different objects but you can only choose one object. This would be boring, because you cannot demonstrate your individuality. Another point against the limitation to German products is the cost factor. Thanks to globalization (sollst du das in American English schreiben?)companies can move to Eastern countries to produce their goods cheaper. If all groups produce in Germany, the costs will increase (Die Kosten werden nicht teurer, sondern mehr. Bitte in if-Satz Typ II umformen). In Eastern countries employees work for little money, therefore people in Germany can buy clothes and other things at low prices. In my opinion it would not be the best solution to buy only German products. Indeed a very positive effect would be the increase of the German economic performance, but in my view it is better to buy products from all over the world. All consumers can develop as they like it and can demonstrate their individuality. Moreover you can buy clothes and other goods at a low price (Ein Preis ist nicht billig, sondern niedrig). As a result you don`t need to have much money. This is the reason why I think it is not always best to buy German. Ich hoffe, ich habe nichts Gravierendes übersehen. Auch wenn es ha.lo schon angesprochen hat: Vegiss bitte nicht, dass es Zeit und Mühe kostet Texte zu verbessern. Ich weiß, dass es immer ganz schnell gehen soll und verstehe das auch. Aber ein bisschen mehr Geduld wäre nett, zumal ja hier niemand in den Startlöchern sitzt und drauf wartet, dass endlich jemand einen Text zur Verbesserung postet. ![]() |
Antwort von Wurmrausch (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.02.2010 - 16:26 |
vielen dank. und sorry...ich habe immo bloß kein zeitgefühl und hatte halt das gefühl, es wäre shcon länger her....nächstes mal guck ich auf die uhr ;) |
Antwort von Wurmrausch (ehem. Mitglied) | 04.02.2010 - 16:41 |
so...zu euren kommentaren: nein, wir sind keine klasse, die nur die zahlen sieht. ich bin in der fachoberschule gestalten udn wir haben einiges vorgegebn bekommen. ich habe das nur noch ausgeschmückt...nicht gut wie ich sehe aber naja^^ vielen vielen dank nochmal, das war echt eine große hilfe von euch =) und ja, man kann sagen: german. das steht jedenfalls so im buch ;) und unsere lehrerin hat auch gesgat, klingt komisch, aber kann man machen^^ |
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