Bitte, meinen englisch Dialogue korrigieren! Interessant:)
Frage: Bitte, meinen englisch Dialogue korrigieren! Interessant:)(6 Antworten)
Hallöchen ihr lieben, wäre lieb wenn ihr mir meinen englisch Dialogue kontrollieren könntet, hab leider viele Fehler.Also zunächst erkäre ich was ich machen musste, hehe. Wir haben einen text gelesen in dem es um Mobbing ging. Ein 13 Jahre altes Mädchen (Megan) lernte ihre große liebe per chatt kennen ( John 16 Jahre) , sie hat ihn nie geshen lediglich nur mit ihm geschreiben. Doch dieser war zu beginn nett aber es stellte sich raus das er sie nur aussnutzte und es kam zu einem streit und er fing an sie zu mobben und wünschte sich das sie doch tod wäre und erwähnte dies sehr oft, bis sie sich letztendlich das leben nahm. Ihre Mutter fand sie in der Badewanne. Ah, hab was wichtiges vergessen dieser John ist nur erfunden es handelt sich hierbei um eine 47 Jahre alten Dame namens Ms Duck.Jetzt mal genung von dem:) Aufgabenstellung:Schreibe einen Dialogue in dem Die Nachbarn, Ms Duck (John) kennen und sie, die Nachbarn:RITA; PAUL; MARIE sich die Frage stellen ob sie es Megans Mutter verrraten sollen( Tania Meier) oki, hier ist mein Text und vielen ank im voraus:): Paul: Do you hear about the incident? Rita: Which incident, you mean? Maria: Ah, do you mean the incedent with megan Meier? Paul: YES, exactly. Rita: Tina Meyer, Magans mother, yes a horrible story. A mother found hear daughter dead in the badroom. She made suicide. She chatted with a boy whose name is Josh and they offended to each other. Rita: I think, Today the youth is simply too naively. Paul: Really, last Saturday. I was at the supermarket with my wife. Suddenly I heard a interesting dialogue between Ms. Drew and her daughter. She said that she was John. The John....,you konow.My wife and I was really surprised. Maria: What! you know who the uknown person is? Rita: Paul, do you mean this seriously? Why do you say nothing? It is really important. Paul: Hm, I said nothing because it`s better for Megan`s mother. It could be a bed ending. Rita: You mean, that the mother will revenge. Marie: Yes, I Think so!It coul be. Do you remember Megans mother she said at her daughters burial. "I hate that Person! Revenge is sweet." Rita: Ok, she was or better she is furiously but in her situation it`s normal. Marie: I think we should informated Tina Meier. What do you mean Paul? Paul: I think it’s not a great idea. Rita: I have an other idea. We should speak with Ms. Duck. She must take other the responsibility and position herself. Marie: Haha, ok, that’s right . But who makes this quite voluntary? Paul: Ok, We should make that. It is an attempt value. Rita: Yes, this is the right decision. If Ms. Duck does not want. We musr convincing her. Marie: Yes! But how should we do that? Paul: We already create this. We said when she doe no want we tell Tania Meier the truth. Marie: Yes. Ok, I understand. Rita: But I hope that she would make the right decision. Paul: Ok, bye, my wife wait. Tomorrow we would go to Ms. Duck. All right? Rita and Marie: Yes, we make that. Bye. |
GAST stellte diese Frage am 02.02.2010 - 22:18 |
Antwort von GAST | 02.02.2010 - 22:32 |
hab da was vergessen sorry, in die 6 Zeile muss noch, das hier rein: Maria: Yes, I heard they have never met or called. They just contacted through the internet |
Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.02.2010 - 23:21 |
Paul: Did you hear about the incident? Rita: Which incident do you mean? Maria: Ah, do you mean the incident with Megan Meier? Paul: YES, exactly. Rita: Tina Meyer, Megans mother (Willst du damit irgendwas sagen wie Tina Meyer is Megans mother, oder so? Sonst macht das nämlich wenig Sinn), yes a horrible story. A mother found hear daughter dead in the bathroom after she had committed suicide. She had chatted with a boy,whose name is Josh, and they had offended each other. Maria: Yes, I heard they have never met or called. They just contacted via internet. Rita: I think the youth today is simply too naive. Paul: Really, last Saturday? I was at the supermarket with my wife. Suddenly I heard a interesting dialogue between Ms Drew and her daughter. She said that she was John. The John...., you know. My wife and I were really surprised. Maria: What! You know who the unknown person is? Rita: Paul, do you mean that seriously? Why didn`t you say anything? It is really important. Paul: Hm, I said nothing because it`s better for Megan`s mother. It could be a bad ending. ![]() Rita: You mean that the mother might want to take revenge? Marie: Yes, I think so! It could be possible. Do you remember Megan`s mother she saying at her daughters burial: "I hate that Person! Revenge is sweet." Rita: Ok, she was or better she is furious, but in her situation it`s a normal reaction, isn`t it? Marie: I think we should inform Tina Meier. What do you reckon Paul? Paul: I think it’s not a great idea. Rita: I have another idea. We should speak to Ms Duck. She must take responsibility and position herself. Marie: Haha, ok, that’s right. But who will do this voluntarily? Paul: Ok, we should do that. It is worth a try. Rita: Yes, this is the right decision. If Ms Duck does not want, we will have to convince her. Marie: Yes! But how should we do that? Paul: We already found the solution. We said that we will tell Tania Meier the truth if she does not want. Marie: Well, ok, I understand. Rita: But I hope that she will make the right decision. Paul: Ok, bye, my wife waits. Tomorrow we are going to Ms Duck. All right? Rita and Marie: Yes, that`s how we`ll do it. Bye. |
Antwort von GAST | 03.02.2010 - 00:10 |
Vielen,Dank. Sie sind ein Engel:) |
Antwort von GAST | 03.02.2010 - 06:59 |
Paul: Have you heard about the incident? Rita: Which incident do you mean? Maria: Ah, do you mean the incident with Megan Meier? Paul: YES, exactly. Rita: Tina Meyer, Megan`s mother (Willst du damit irgendwas sagen wie Tina Meyer is Megans mother, oder so? Sonst macht das nämlich wenig Sinn), yes a horrible story. A mother found her daughter dead in the bathroom after she had committed suicide. She had chatted with a boy called Josh, and they had offended each other. Maria: Yes, I heard they had never met or called. They just contacted via internet. Rita: I think the youth today is simply too naive. Paul: Really, last Saturday? I was at the supermarket with my wife. Suddenly I heard an interesting dialogue between Ms Drew and her daughter. She said that she was John. The John...., you know. My wife and I were really surprised. Maria: What! Do you know who the unknown person is? Rita: Paul, do you mean that seriously? Why haven`t you said anything? It is really important. Paul: Hm, I haven`t said anything because it`s better for Megan`s mother. It could have a bad ending. Rita: Do you think that the mother might want to take revenge? Marie: Yes, I think so! It could be possible. Do you remember what Megan`s mother was saying at her daughters burial, "I hate that person! Revenge is sweet." Rita: Ok, she was or better she is furious, but in her situation it`s a normal reaction, isn`t it? Marie: I think we should inform Tina Meier. What do you reckon Don`t you think so,Paul? Paul: I think it’s not a good idea. Rita: I have got another idea. We should speak to Ms Duck. She must take responsibility and positionexplain her behaviour. Marie: Haha, ok, that’s right. But who is going to do this voluntarily? Paul: Ok, we should do that. It is worth a try. Rita: Yes, this is the right decision. If Ms Duck does not wantdenies everything , we will have to convinceforce her to tell the truth. Marie: Yes! But how are we going to do that? Paul: We have already found the solution. We`ll say that we will tell Tania Meier the truth if Ms Duck does not want to tell the truth.we will tell Tania Meier who John actually is. Marie: Well, ok, I understand. Rita: But I hope that she will make the right decision. Paul: Ok, bye, my wife is waiting. Tomorrow we are going to go to Ms Duck. All right? Rita and Marie: Yes, that`s how we`ll do it. Bye. Ich habe versucht, das Gespräch sprachlich etwas zu "glätten" (so dass es nicht mehr ganz so gestelzt/holperig daher kommt); besonders bei der Wahl der Zeiten waren noch zahlreiche Fehler zu eliminieren. Meine Korrektur: fett = korrigiert bzw. eingefügt; schräg= gestrichen ha.lo |
Antwort von GAST | 03.02.2010 - 08:39 |
Alles falsch arrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh mein Gott was hst du für ne rechtschreibung? |
Antwort von GAST | 03.02.2010 - 09:16 |
Julian100, dann lege mal los. 1. Wer ist "du"? (ha.lo oder originel-14 oder algieba)? 2. Ich bin für jede Korrektur offen und dankbar. Bitte weise mir meine Fehler nach und korrigiere sie. Vielen Dank im voraus, dass du mir helfen wirst, ein für dich annehmbares Niveau - und damit ein dem Forum adäquates - zu erreichen. ha.lo |
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