Comment - bitte kontrollieren!
Frage: Comment - bitte kontrollieren!(5 Antworten)
hey, es wäre nett wenn ihr euch meinen Commet durchlesen könntet und mich auf fehler aufmerksam machen würdet. ich muss das meiner lehrerin abgeben. =) Comment: George W. Bush: The United States must secure its borders (2006) In the speech “The United States must secure its borders” held by George W. Bush in the year 2006 Bush explains his ideas how to solve the problem of illegal immigration to the American people. Especially he wants to stop the illegal immigrants from Mexico with the help of different measures which I will assess in the following text. First of all Bush wants to double the size of the border patrol to secure the border. In my opinion this is really expensive but necessary for the USA to be in the complete control of its border. The double size of the border patrol will deter the Mexicans from crossing the border illegally, because it will make it harder to cross the border without being cached. Furthermore Bush wants to use high technology, for example high-tech fences and infrared cameras. Surely, this makes it also more difficult to cross the border unseen, but it is of course really expensive, too. However, I guess that technology combined with men power is the most simply and safely way to stop illegal immigrants. Additionally George W. Bush wants to stop illegal immigration by help the people to come to the USA legally. He wants to create a legal path for foreign workers who enter the country in an orderly way for a limited period of time. This makes it possible for foreigners to work for Americans. On one hand this is a good idea, because the Mexican people often come to the USA to earn money for them and their families, but on the other hand I think it is unfair. Undoubtedly, the foreigners will earn less money than Americans and are just accepted in the USA, because they should do the work Americans won’t do. In my opinion this is really discriminating, because when the foreigners have finished the hard work nobody wants to do, they are expelled. So, I reject this idea, because the Americans just put upon the foreigners. Secondary, Bush wants to introduce an identification card for legal foreign workers. To my mind this will make it harder for illegal immigrants to find work, because of what they have no reason to come to the USA illegally. Furthermore the employers can employ foreign people without being scared to employ an illegal immigrant. So, I am convinced that the identification card secures employers and help legal immigrants to find a job. Above all, Bush wants to offer immigrant who live in America for a long time, the possibility to stay in America legally by paying a penalty for breaking the law. My own view of the matter is that most illegal immigrants are poor and can’t pay a penalty. That’s why I’m guess that the poor illegal immigrants who really need to be integrated in the USA don’t get the chance of a better and accepted life. All in all, I am of the opinion that some of Bush’s ideas are useful to stop illegal immigration, but they are really expensive. However some of his ideas are not really fair for the poor foreigners who dream of a better life in the USA |
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 20.12.2009 - 17:00 |
Antwort von ANONYM | 20.12.2009 - 17:40 |
das ist wirklich wichtig, |
Antwort von ANONYM | 20.12.2009 - 17:41 |
War bestimmt viel Arbeit :s Ich finde, in der Satzstellung kann man Kleinigkeiten weglassen und umstellen damit es flüssiger wird. Z.B.: >Zeile 2: "in (the) year 2006" (ich glaube das "the" könnte man weglassen) >Zeile 4: "He especially wants to stop..." (Satzstellung) >Zeile 16: "by helpING the people (to come = besser coming?) to the USA legally" (gerund!) >Zeile 28: "because of what they have no reason to come to the USA illegally" (warum "what"?) >Zeile 32: "Bush wants to offer immigrantS who live in America" (Mehrzahl?) Zeile 34: "most illegal immigrants are poor"(passt "destitute" besser?) >Zeile 35: "that’s why I’m guess(ING?)" (ist das nicht auch gerund? oder das "am" überflüssig?) >Zeile 37: "I am of the opinion" = "my opinion is..." (?) Ich kenne mich ja nicht so gut mit dem Thema aus aber das "to the American people" (Z.2f.) und "to work for the Americans" (Z.19) hört sich immer so an als wären das nur gebürtige Amerikaner für die die arbeiten. Schließt "Americans" auch ehemalige Immigranten und Auswanderer ein? Ich hoffe ich habe keine Fehler gemacht und konnte dir helfen :) LG A. |
Antwort von ANONYM | 20.12.2009 - 17:48 |
danke, du hast mir sehr geholfen! =) Americaner sind eh alle einwanderer bis auf die paar prozent Indianer. damit sind einfach die leute gemeint die legal in den USA leben. |
Antwort von Schneeregen (ehem. Mitglied) | 19.01.2011 - 18:02 |
Vorsicht: eine Rede halten bedeutet to give oder to make a speech aber NICHT to hold a speech das ist ein sehr häufiger fehler ;) |
Antwort von matata | 19.01.2011 - 18:12 |
Da hat wieder jemand eine Arbeit umsonst gemacht: Der Beitrag ist vom 20. 12. 2009. Beachtet doch bitte das Erstellungsdatum der Threads. ________________________ - Team |
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