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Text verbessern Thema A Tourist in London

Frage: Text verbessern Thema A Tourist in London
(4 Antworten)

The aeroplane flight from Frankfort to London Heathrow.
When he landed in London he bought a little plane form British airways. He went to the tube and drive to his hotel the Jumeirah Carlton Hotel. When he source the room he went outside and chance his money in the bank. Then he went to the tube and went to the natural History museum. . He looked for the shops. Then he went back bye tube to the London eye and made photos from the City. Than he went back to the hotel.

After a big orginal English breakfast with bacon eggs tea butter mamalade and so on he went by the tube and went to the Victoria station now he went to the Buckingham Palace at 9’oclock am. And he looked the façade and the state chambers. At 10 o’clock he went to the St. James Park and look for the Horse Guards Parade at 11 o’clock. At 12.15 o’clock he went to the Trafalgar square. At 13 o’clock walked the restaurant le caprice near the Ritz. At 2 o’clock pm he visited the National Gallery. He walked from the Saintsburyflank to the ostflank. At 4 o’clock pm he walked to the Piccadilly Circus and looked at the expensive shops. At 5’o clock he went to the tube and went back to his hotel.

He walked to the tube and went to the Tower Hill station. Then he went into the tower and locked for the crown jewels, the Beefeater and the Corby. At half past twelve he walked to the tower bridge and looked for the Exhibition. At 1 o’clock pm he walked to the Cantina de Ponte. After the lunch he take fish and chipshe took bus line 15 and is at the St.Pauls Cathedral. He visited the Cathedral to 5 o’clock pm. Then he went back by tube to the hotel


At half past nine he visited the Westminster Abbey. He looked for the Royals Chapels and the architecture. At half past eleven he walked to the houses of parliament than he looked big Ben and Westminster Bridge. After that he is in the London eye. at half past one he walked along the thems and looked at the royal Festival hall. At two o’clock pm he went to the Oxo tower and looked for the gallery. After that he went to the Tate modern and the Shakespeare globe theater. At 4 o’clock pm he went back to the hotel.

At 10 o’clock he went to Victoria station and then to Harrods. He looked for the foodhall, the pets area and the egypthall. At half past eleven o’clock am he went to Bromton Road and looked for the exclusive shops after He went to After that he went to Hyde Park and made a boat tour at the serpentine. At 7’clock pm he went back to the hotel.

At 9 o’clock am he went to Tottenham court station and then to the British museum. At midday he went to a restaurant in the near. A hour later he walked to the British Library. At half past tow o’clock he went to baker street station and then to Madame Tussauds. At half past four o’clock he walked to Covent Garden and then to a theater. At 6 o’clock pm he went back by tube to the hotel.

At 9 o’clock he must left the hotel and went to the tube. Then he arrived at the airport and went to the departure. He must wait a hour for his plane. Than he landed with the plain after two hours in Frankfort.

Bitte schickt mir den überarbeitetn text als Nachricht zurück DANKE
GAST stellte diese Frage am 03.12.2009 - 14:18

Antwort von GAST | 03.12.2009 - 14:30
bräuchte es heute noch DRINGEND

Antwort von GAST | 03.12.2009 - 14:50
Kann mir jemadn freundlicherweiße helfen

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Antwort von TambourinMan (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.12.2009 - 14:53
Du solltest ihn selber ü Endeffekt müsste man das nochmal machen...weil es echt sehr abgehackt klingt und viele Fehler drin sind.

Meine Tipps für dich: Etwas mehr Verbindung zwischen den Sätzen und mal nach alternativen Satzanfängen googlen. Ich glaube matata hatte da irgendwann mal eine URL gepostet. Evt. schreibst du sie mal an

Antwort von GAST | 03.12.2009 - 14:57
The flight from Frankfurt to London Heathrow. When he landed in London he bought a little plane toy form British Airways. He went to the Jumeirah Carlton Hotel by tube . When he source (was meinst du damit?) the room he went outside and exchanged his money at the bank. Then he went to the tube and went to the natural History museum. . He looked for some shops. Then he went to the London Eye by tube and took photos from the City. Then he went back to the hotel.

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