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(1 Antwort)

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Könnt ihr mal bitte üerprüfen, ob das so richtig ist? Wär` nett. glg.

I feel sad if I hear from amok runs.
School shootings is becoming more and more.
Sometimes I get fear. I think that also at our school such a thing can happen.
No school protects against amok runs.
I always felt safe at my school. Since more school shooting happens, I dont feel safe. It always can happen. You sit in your class and suddenly somebody walks in with a gun and shoots. People, who do such a thing, must be really unhappy. Other people make their life really bad. They keep their grief for himself and did not tell anything about that. They did not want to life. They think it`s the best if they kill the people who have done their lives badly.
Frage von C00LNESS (ehem. Mitglied) | am 08.11.2009 - 16:04

Antwort von GAST | 08.11.2009 - 19:02
Hearing from people running amok saddens me, rampages in schools happen to occur more and more often these days.
Sometimes I become scared because I think such things might also happen at our school one day -- one cannot get protected against it.
I always felt I was safe in school -- to this day.
Rampages can happen at any time.
When sitting in class, someone`s suddenly walking through the door, starting to randomly shoot at people. Those persons gotta be really unhappy with themselves, which is also often caused by other people.
They don`t tell anyone about their grief or problems, they just think it was the best to kill those people who they think worsened their lives.

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