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( Brauche schnelle Hilfe )Write a success story 80 Words

Frage: ( Brauche schnelle Hilfe )Write a success story 80 Words
(5 Antworten)

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The Best Football Player

Words best Football player is Christiano Ronaldo.We interviewed him, and here is his success story.

Christiano was born in Portugal.
His first Sport Club was Sporting Lissabon. When he was 15, he left the Football Club Sporting Lissabon he is transfer to Manchester United. Christano played 20 years football in England. Now Christano is the most expensive Football player in the World. Christano is now in the Football Club Real Madrid.

Das ist jetzt einfach mal so geschrieben worden.. bitte korregiert es danke ! mein Englisch ist net so gut..
Frage von taner-frankfurt (ehem. Mitglied) | am 24.09.2009 - 21:16

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Antwort von taner-frankfurt (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.09.2009 - 21:19
Leute bitte helft mir ...
schreibe morgen ne Englisch arbeit darüber ..

Antwort von GAST | 24.09.2009 - 21:22
THE world`s best footballer is Christiano Ronaldo. We (wer?) interviewed him; here is his success story.

Christiano was born in Portugal. His first SPORTS CLUB was Sporting Lissabon. When he was 15, he left --- Sporting Lissabon AND WAS transferRED to Manchester United. HE THEN played football in England for THE NEXT 20 YEARS. TODAY, Christiano is the most expensive (meinst du vielleicht eher: the best paid?) football player in the world (klein!). RIGHT NOW, HE PLAYS FOR A SPANISH CLUB, REAL MADRID.

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Antwort von taner-frankfurt (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.09.2009 - 21:26
Okay.. dankeschön dein beitrag hat mir wirklich sehr geholfen.:)

HE THEN played football in England for THE NEXT 20 YEARS

und dann spielt er fussball in england für die naächsten 20 Jahre?

Antwort von GAST | 24.09.2009 - 21:28
We interviewed the best football player in the world - Christiano Renaldo. The following text is about his track record.

Christiano was born in Portugal. The first team he joined was Sporting Lissabon. He left this team when he was 15 years old and transfered to Manchester United. Christiano was playing football in England for 20 years. Now he is the most expensive football player in the world. He is playing for Real Madrid at the moment.

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Antwort von rambo1992 (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.09.2009 - 21:42
kanns vllt sein dass du ausdrücken möchtest dass er 20 war als er in england spielte? ich meine der gute ist ja wohl kaum 35 oder? ;)

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