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Gerichtsverhandlung Dead poets society

Frage: Gerichtsverhandlung Dead poets society
(4 Antworten)

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Hallöchen :)
Also in Englisch müssen wir eine Gerichtsverhandlung nachspielen, bei der ich die Verteidigerin spielen soll und mir bis zur nächsten Stunde ein paar Fragen , sowie eine Art Verteidigungsschrift anfertig soll...
Dabei geht es um das Buch Dead Poets society, der Angeklagte ist Mr.Keating...
den ich verteidigen soll !
Vielleicht hat ja jemand das Buch gelesen und kann mir ein bisschen weiter helfen.
Wäre froh um noch ein paar mehr Idee!

Hier erst mal meine:
Mr. Keating:
Mr. Keating, please explain to us your teaching methods with the desired aspiration!
How do you estimate as a person of confidence the relationship between Neil and his father?

Can you tell us Neils dream and if his parents knew of it?
How would you describe the relationship between Neil and his parents?
Please tell us something about Mr. Keatings lessons!
What is the club of the dead poets?

how do you judge your husband?
He knews about Neil`s dreams and was he agree?
Why did you not hold on your son?
Did you want that her son is a doctor?
Or did you want that he can live his dream?
Did you present your opinion against your husband t?
and when not, why?

Mr. Perry:
Do you know about Neil`s dream?
How was your relationship to Neil?
Why didn`t Neil tell you that he play part of the puck in Shake Spears "A Midsummer Night`s Dream?
Is it right that you want to send your son if he play to a military school? Why?
You know that Neil did not want to go there.

It is obvious that Mr. Keating is not guilty.
If someone in the suicide is guilty then Mr. Perry
He wanted that his son become to be a doctor , without respected Neil`s personal dreams and wishes.
Neil, Todd, Charlie, Cameron, Meeks, Pitts, Knox found the club of dead poets. then They meet in a remote cave and recite poems of dead poets. Then Neil begins always more to be interested in acting and finally he had only the dream to become an actor.
He gets the chance of the puck in Shake Spears "A Midsummer Night`s Dream" to play. But his father would send him to a military , if he accepts the role. Neil is desperatelyand asks Mr. Keating what he should do. He advised him to talk with his father. But Neil does not, and takes part. At the premiere Mr. Perry saw his son .
Neil sees no sense in his life and committed suicide.
then Mr. Perry wanted his son to a military school. Neil saw no sense in his life and committed suicide. . his life was meaningless for him without his dream and he didn`t want live his life like his father wanted.
Mr. Keating is innocent, he only help Neil and has nothing to do with the suicide.

Ach ja und bei Fehlern, die in meinem Text sicherlich sein werden, würde ich mich beim Aufmerksam macehn bedanken!
Frage von Lisaspitzer (ehem. Mitglied) | am 28.05.2009 - 18:18

Antwort von GAST | 28.05.2009 - 18:51
It is obvious that Mr. Keating is not guilty.
In my opinion,
Mr. Perry caused the suicide of his son.
He wanted his son to become a doctor , without to respect Neil`s personal dreams and wishes.(professioneller wäre: "aims")
Neil, Todd, Charlie, Cameron, Meeks, Pitts, Knox found the club of dead poets. They met in a remote cave and recited poems of dead poets. Neil began to be interested in acting and finally he had only the dream to become an actor.
He gets the chance to play the role of the figure "Puck" in Shake Spears "A Midsummer Night`s Dream". But his father would have sent him to military , if he took this chance. Neil is desperated and asks Mr. Keating what he ought to do. He advised him to talk with his father. But Neil does not acted the role of "Puck". At the premiere Mr. Perry saw his son acting.
Mr. Perry got angry and decided to send neil to a military school. Neil saw no sense in his life and committed suicide, because he knew that he will not be able to live his Life in the way he wanted to . Because of this,his life seemed to be meaningless for him without living his dream and he did not want to live his life like his father wanted him to.
So all in all, the suicide is caused by the relationship between Mr.Perry and his son.
Mr. Keating is innocent, he only helped Neil to develope his consciousness(selbstbewusstsein) and this has not caused the suicide.

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Antwort von Lisaspitzer (ehem. Mitglied) | 28.05.2009 - 18:20
also bei den dummen Fehlern die ich gemacht hab brauch ich keine hilfe ;)
eher so , wenn es um die Zeit geht ! :)

Antwort von GAST | 28.05.2009 - 18:25
ja also, du musst dich für eine zeit entscheiden. Also entweder simple past, oder simple present

Antwort von GAST | 28.05.2009 - 18:35
Also wenn du das vorspielen musst, dann würde ich eher simple present nehmen.
Ich hab das Buch auch gelesen und vom Inhalt her find ich das echt gut.
Wir mussten damals sowas Ähnliches machen und wir haben die selben Fragen aufgestellt.
Also ich denke inhaltlich stehst du auf der richtige Seite.

Antwort von GAST | 28.05.2009 - 18:51
It is obvious that Mr. Keating is not guilty.
In my opinion,
Mr. Perry caused the suicide of his son.
He wanted his son to become a doctor , without to respect Neil`s personal dreams and wishes.(professioneller wäre: "aims")
Neil, Todd, Charlie, Cameron, Meeks, Pitts, Knox found the club of dead poets. They met in a remote cave and recited poems of dead poets. Neil began to be interested in acting and finally he had only the dream to become an actor.
He gets the chance to play the role of the figure "Puck" in Shake Spears "A Midsummer Night`s Dream". But his father would have sent him to military , if he took this chance. Neil is desperated and asks Mr. Keating what he ought to do. He advised him to talk with his father. But Neil does not acted the role of "Puck". At the premiere Mr. Perry saw his son acting.
Mr. Perry got angry and decided to send neil to a military school. Neil saw no sense in his life and committed suicide, because he knew that he will not be able to live his Life in the way he wanted to . Because of this,his life seemed to be meaningless for him without living his dream and he did not want to live his life like his father wanted him to.
So all in all, the suicide is caused by the relationship between Mr.Perry and his son.
Mr. Keating is innocent, he only helped Neil to develope his consciousness(selbstbewusstsein) and this has not caused the suicide.

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