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British Empire

Frage: British Empire
(2 Antworten)

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ich muss einen Kurzvortrag (4-6min.) auf englisch über das british empire halten und weiß nicht was ich dazu genau sagen soll.
meine fragen also: Was ist das wichtigste?, wann begann die entwicklung?, wann endete alles?, wo waren überall kolonien und welchewaren die größten? und so weiter .... :D
Frage von unteachable (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.05.2009 - 18:50

Antwort von GAST | 20.05.2009 - 18:56

Antwort von GAST | 20.05.2009 - 19:00
The first British Empire
The beginning of the Empire date back to the 16th century when British seafarers like Sir Francis Drake put to sea to seek immediate profits. In the 17 century britain concentrated on the Americas, setting up colonies in North America an the Carribean. The 18th century saw the settlement of Australia which started out as a penal colony in 1788.
The second Empire
In the 18th century british expanisions shifted from the Americas to asia and africa. Britain took possesion of india-quenn Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India in 1876-, Ceylon, Burma, Malaysia and Hong Kong, and India became one of the most important british colonies.
The late 19th century saw britain and other european countries in the "scramble of africa", competing with countries like France and Germany britain became the most sucessful colonial powe in Africa:it held control over South Africa, Egypt, Nigeria and ohter countries, comprising almost 30% of Africas population.
The end of World War II also signalled the end of the british Empire. Britain had to concentrate on its domestic problems after WwII while at the same time anti-colonial nationalists movements challenged British rule in most of its colonies. This process marked the Empire`s transformation into today`s Commonwealth(or Commonwealth of Nation)
->>>Wikipedia sagt sicher auch ziemlich viel, und wie gesagt google auch nach Commonwealth, bin zu faul noch was dazu zu schreiben^^

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