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Frage: Charakterisierung
(3 Antworten)

Hi...Könnt ihr mir sagen auf was ich bei einer Charakterisierung aufpassen muss.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 15.04.2009 - 20:20

Antwort von GAST | 15.04.2009 - 20:29
Gliederung für charakterisierung:

A Name, Beruf, Freunde, Partner, Familie
B Äußere Merkmale (Aussehen, Kleidung)
C Was will/macht die Person?
D Verhalten/ Verhaltungssonderheiten
E Aussagen anderer, die die betreffende Person kennen

-> Hilfsfragen: W-Fragen auf die Person anwenden
-> Wichtiges von Unwichtigem unterscheiden!

Beiträge 176
Antwort von Timea | 15.04.2009 - 20:33
How to write a characterisation: before, while and after writing


Before Writing

Step 1 – Read the text carefully.
Mark the words or sentences or write down the lines that give you information about the character(s).

Step 2 – Draw a chart that includes columns like “situation/position”, “outward appearance”, “behaviour”, “words/thoughts”, “feelings/attitudes”, “others’ reactions” or – if you compare characters – “similarities” and “differences” and fill in your notes.

Step 3 – Ask yourself if the character(s) change(s) during the development of the text and if so, how.

Step 4 – Number your notes and group them.

While Writing

Step 1 – Write a short introduction in which you present the character(s) and his or her (their) situation.

Step 2 – Organise your notes into paragraphs. Every paragraph should deal with one characteristic feature (e.g. friendliness, carelessness, imagination, etc. are all characteristic features).

Present the evidence (words or sentences taken from the text that show that your interpretation is right) taken from the text and comment on it. Don’t forget to refer or quote the text.

Step 3 – Try to show how the different characteristic features belong together.

Step 4 – Write a conclusion that sums up the results of your detailed analysis.

After Writing


(1) Does your introduction lead to the detailed analysis of one or more characters?

(2) Does your characterisation include all the notes that you made before starting to write?

(3) Have you linked up the different aspects in a logical way?

(4) Have you referred to or quoted the text?

(5) Does your conclusion offer a convincing summary of what you have found?

Und dabei schön strukturieren, ob es zur sog. "inner" or "outer" characterization gehört. (also charakter im eigentlichen sinne = inner, aussehen = outer) ;)

Liebe Grüße

Beiträge 40285
Antwort von matata | 15.04.2009 - 21:34
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