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Frage: Ich bitte mal Fehler lesen und bitte sie zu korrigieren!
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 0
Classification: 1. history

b)Ending slavery
2. social role of African American
a) 1950s/1960s
b) today
3. charts
4. fonts

I want to give you report about African American

I`d like to start with the point 1a.
Among the flood of immigrants to North America is one group came unwillingly.These were the Africans. 500,000 of whom were brought over as slaves into the US became illegal,

Now i want to go on with the point 1b.
The process of ending slavery began in April 1861 with the outbreak of the American Civil War between the free states of the North and the slave states of the South. 11 States of which had left the Union. On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the slavery free.

I´d like to go on with the point 2a
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, African Americans, led by Dr. Martin Luther King. He used boycotts, marches, and other forms of protest to demand equal treatment under the law and an end to racial prejudice.A high point of this civil rights movement came on August 28, 1963, when more than 200,000 people of all races gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. and they to hear Martin Luther King .Not long afterwards the U.S. Congress passed laws prohibiting discrimination in voting, education, employment, housing, and public accommodations.

And my the last point is the point 2b
Today, African Americans constitute about 13.5 percent of the total U.S. population. In recent decades blacks have made great strides, and the black middle class has grown substantially. In 2002, 50,8 percent of employed blacks held "white-collar" jobs . For example: managerial, professional, and administrative positions In 2003, 58.3 percent of all black high school graduates enrolled in college within one year. Compared with the year 1982, that was 35.8. The average income of blacks is still lower than that of whites, and the unemployment of blacks remains higher than that of whites. And many black Americans are still trapped by poverty districts .Since 2005 the U.S: Congress supports the African Americans with the "affirmative action". These steps may include hiring a certain number of blacks in the workplace,or admitting a certain number of minority students to a school.The next president of the USA is Barack Obama. He is the first black president of the USA.
The result is younger Americans show a new respect for all races at the USA.
Frage von philu89 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 11.01.2009 - 12:38

Antwort von GAST | 11.01.2009 - 19:15
Inhaltlich auf jeden Fall viel Gutes dabei. :)

Was mir fehlt ist eine wirklich Einleitung: "Jetzt erzähl ich euch mal was über X" reicht da nicht wirklich,
damit der Hörer/Leser gespannt ist auf das, was jetzt kommt. Weswegen hast du dir dieses Thema ausgesucht? Bzw. wenn es eine Vorgabe war, was findest du interessant an diesem Thema? Da du am Ende auf Obama zu sprechen kommst, vielleicht die Entwicklung von Sklaverei bis hin zum Präsidenten? "American Dream" evtl. als Stichwort nennen?

Ich kann nicht den ganzen Text durchgehen und jeden kleinen Fehler korrigieren, das ist auch gar nicht nötig. :)

Nur dazu: Die Übergänge müsstest du anders gestalten. "Jetzt kommt Punkt 1". "Jetzt rede ich über Punkt 2." "Und jetzt kommt Punkt 3" ist, tut mir leid: ganz furchtbar. ;) Besser inhaltlich überleiten.

"Among the flood of immigrants to North America is one group came unwillingly.These were the Africans. 500,000 of whom were brought over as slaves into the US became illegal,"

"is" wäre ja jetzt gerade, es ist aber in der Vergangenheit passiert, also: "was". Der letzte Satz bricht ab mit einem Komma und macht so keinen Sinn. Meinst du: "These were the Africans, 500.000 (kein Komma im Englischen, sondern ein Punkt!) of whom were brought over as slaves." Was soll der Rest aussagen?

"The process of ending slavery began in April 1861 with the outbreak of the American Civil War between the free states of the North and the slave states of the South. 11 States of which had left the Union. On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the slavery free."

Der Satz der mit "11 States" anfängt passt irgendwie nicht rein. Worauf bezieht sich das? Von welcher Union redest du? 11 Staaten aus dem Norden, dem Süden...? "the slavery free" - was soll das heißen? Ein englischer Ausdruck ist das nicht. ;) Vielleicht: "... Lincoln officially abolished slavery"?


Du solltest deinen ganzen Text nochmal auf unvollständige Sätze durchlesen, da hast du ein paar dabei. Am meisten Fehler machst du was die Zeiten angeht.

Zum Ende z.B.
"Since 2005 the U.S. Congress HAS BEEN SUPPORTING (kein the) African Americans with (kein the) "affirmative action". THIS PROGRAM REQUIRES COMPANIES TO HIRE a certain number of blacks, AND REQUIRES SCHOOLS TO ADMIT a certain number of STUDENTS FROM ETHNIS MINORITIES. The next president of the USA WILL BE Barack Obama (noch ist er´s ja nicht). He WILL BE the first black president of the USA (siehe oben).

The result (wie? Das Ergebnis der Wahl?) is THAT younger Americans show a new respect for all races IN the USA."

Usw. :)

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