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Frage: Fertige Texte-bitte korrigieren
(5 Antworten)

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Hello Kevin

Finally I have time to write a letter to you.
n the last letter I told you about Jenny. She is very beautiful and intelligent. Today I presented her to Dad. He thinks that I earned something better than her and that she is so poor. But is money really everything in life? Isn`t it much more value to be happy in life? But perhaps Jenny only wants to use me and have my whole money. Oh dear, what am I thinking about? No she is not such a girl. I feel that she`s meaning it serious and that she loves me. She answered so cute when I asked her, if she loves me. I love this woman. it is all the same to me what my dad thinks about her. I will marry her! My father disappointed me, he doesn`t even know her and judges mad about her. I will take control of my life and go away.

You will hear me soon when the wedding is
Visit to the doctor

I gave this title to the chapter because I just think it fits very well. In chapter seventeen, Jenny and Oliver visit the "dr. shappard", because she can’t get pregnant although they tried several times. Several tests were done, until they detected the illness. She had leukaemia. The therapy will take a long time.
dear god,
Have mercy with jenny,
She’s even so young,
Let her alive,
It’s still not time for her to go from us,
She should get old,
I`m begging you.
God she never harm to somebody,
She`s a great person!
I need her!
You have the power in your hand, let she live
Jenny ask oliver to call for a taxi... he comes already and drive to the hospital.
Driver: Hello, at which place can I take you?
Oliver: We want you to take us to the hospital..
Driver: Okay, which one?
Oliver: Mount Sinai please.
Driver: Okay, were there in a few minutes.
Jenny: he`s driving as fast as he was alone in the car *laughing*.
Driver: if i should take you to the hospital... you don’t know the reason, so you don`t want to be guilty if it’s to late.
Oliver: but if you don’t arrive unhurt, it`s not better as to come to late.
Driver: than at least you are at the place. That’s 20 pounds please.
Oliver gives him 22 pounds.
Jenny: thank you. This was a pleasant journey.
Oliver: a joke like him we never meet again, but now to the serious: I`m scared about you. Jenny: i will survive it. i promise.
They kissed
Oliver leaves the hospital to drive to his dad. In the car styled his self an than he spoke his name into the intercom). The dad open the door and he get in. they looked at each other. Oliver noticed the new objects in the room. He takes a look at pictures from his mother and his self which are got older. He tells his dad that he needs five thousand dollars for a good reason. His dad takes a look at home and asks for a good reason and so he said well. Oliver lie and say it’s for Jonas and marsh. barret 3 go to the desk, take the check book and give it to his son. The door was half opened; he looked at his father, thanks him and leaves.
Frage von annibaby2006 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 31.12.2008 - 15:50

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Antwort von annibaby2006 (ehem. Mitglied) | 31.12.2008 - 15:51
Dear diary

I don`t know how to project this moment.
Why God decided in such a way. I do not understand it. Why it took my life to me. I lay my father and abandoned for my wife. Was that wrong? (Did all nothing more bring?)Had their time now already run off?
I do not understand it, what should I do without her?
The last moment I will never forget, it was so beautifully to hold her in my arms and to feel her sew.
Her last words were: "Thank you Olli." They will always be in my mind.

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Antwort von annibaby2006 (ehem. Mitglied) | 31.12.2008 - 15:59
In the last chapter oft he book „Love Story“ the father visit Oliver. He tells him that Jenny died. [Oliver crys in the arms of his father which apologize for his behavior.] And so it seems like the relationship of them in going to be normal.
I want to convert this chapter, by what this book loose his Happy ending.

The Father drive to Oliver because he [wants to] know for what the 5000 was. He wants to tell about Jenny’s dead but [he’s not] be able to get a word in edgewise. Barett screams to Oliver: You lie to me, for this bitch I’ve gave you my Check book. Oliver I never estimate somewhat from you!
Go and please never come back, you doesn’t belong to me any more; go I don’t want to see you anytime more. Oliver: Dad I need that money for rescue her., you have become it back some day. Why are you so egoistic? Berett3: You tell it is for an good matter. Good matter Jenny?
Never, she exploit only. Now we are 5oooo $ poorer and she is also dead. Now go away I can’t see you any, more you aren’t my son.

In den eckigen kLammern,da wurde das irgendwie bei Word falsch angezeigt...

Ich danke euch schon mal im Voraus

Antwort von ANONYM | 31.12.2008 - 17:31
Sorry, aber ich hab grad nicht die Zeit den ganzen Text zu korrigieren... Ist ja echt `ne Masse!

Aber denk auf jeden Fall an das "s" bei he/she/it und entscheide Dich für eine Zeit!
Im Großen und Ganzen is der Text aber gut... :-)

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Antwort von annibaby2006 (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.01.2009 - 16:48
sind ja mehrere texte also auch verschiedene zeiten..aber von welchem text redest du?

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Antwort von annibaby2006 (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.01.2009 - 20:55
- Scared

- Musikstudent

- from humble homes

- affectionate

- nice

- friendly

- considerate

- are nice to all persons

- don’t like problems

- to be upfront with humans

- to be frank with humans

- to rumble humans (kann andere menschen durchschauen)

- simpatico

- like his father so much

- vulnerable

- inner vulnerable

- simmer with excitement

- frogive someone

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