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Frage: Summary
(6 Antworten)

Hi Leute könnte mir jemand den summary kontrolieren?

Wegen formulierungen und rechtschreibung:) Danke euch

I want to summarize the following text called "The Pressure Cooker" written by Steve Skidmore and Steve Barlow in the New Plays.
The text deals about the argue between Ian and Dawn.
Ian is Andrea`s brother, he came from the university because Andrea is in hospital. Dawn, a frend of Andrea, want to visit her at home because she didn`t was at school and she want to now what is with her.
Dawn was shoked when Ian sad that Andrea had take sleeping pills and that she is in a coma. She tell`s Ian what is happend at school and about Andrea`s problems. So Ian tell`s her about the note wich Andrea leave and Done get guilled out.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 09.12.2008 - 20:55

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Antwort von b0nnY (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.12.2008 - 21:09
I want to summarize the following text called "The Pressure Cooker", written by Steve Skidmore and Steve Barlow in the New Plays.
The text deals (es geht nur "dealts with"...deswegen besser: is about)about the argue(meinst du "den streit"? dann eher conflict) between Ian and Dawn.
Ian is Andrea`s brother(besser; ian is the brother of nicht so ein deutsches englisch xD), he came (back) from the (besser: his)university because (his sister) Andrea is(got) in hospital.
Dawn, a frend of Andrea, want(s) to visit her at home because she didn`t was at(hadn´t been at) school and she want to now what is with her.(uff xD ,,das kannste nich so stehen lassen: (dawn..typ oder mädel(he/she) she wanted to find out what had happened to her))
Dawn was shoked when(as) Ian sa(i)d that Andrea (took some )sleeping pills and that she is in a coma(and that she felt in coma). She tell`s (told)Ian what is(had happened) happend at school (aswell as)Andrea`s problems. So Ian tell`s(told) her about the note w(h)ich Andrea leave(left...wo denn?) and Done get(got) guilled out.(was heißt das?)

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Antwort von 0_0 | 09.12.2008 - 21:16
ne summary wird in präsens geschrieben...

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Antwort von b0nnY (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.12.2008 - 21:19
garned auf zeiten geachtet grad xD
aber jo

hab eig nur versucht die harten dinger rauszuholen xD

Antwort von GAST | 09.12.2008 - 21:20
also mit "I want so summarize" würde ich nicht nicht anfangen..
besser: the text (...) deals with/is about..

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Antwort von Bootcamp (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.12.2008 - 21:38
Ian is Andrea´s brother, he comes from the university, because his sister is in hospital. Dawn is a friend of Andrea and she wants to visit she at home, because she was not at school.So she wants to know what is happend with her.Later Ian tells to Dawn, that she has take a high dosis of sleeping pills and she is falling in a coma now. Also she tells him the problems what Andrea has at school. Next Ian tells her about the note which Andrea leave and done get guilled out.

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Antwort von Bootcamp (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.12.2008 - 21:46
Net wirklich sicher ob man dass so schreiben kann.?

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