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Pro und Contra Argumentation auf englisch

Frage: Pro und Contra Argumentation auf englisch
(5 Antworten)

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Bräuchte bitte jmd. der mir das Korrektur liest, d ich eine sog. Englischniete bin, bin ich af eure Hilfe angewiesen. Wäre super lieb von euch^^

Mein Text:

I want to speak abut the advantages and disadvantages of going on a backpacking tour. First I want to describe the disadvantages. I think it is important to consider that you can get dangerous diseases, because the food can be unhealthy or the water can be polluted and a doctor is nowhere to be found you. Moreover there might be dangerous situation (e.g. local dangerous animals or you can robbed by local people) and there is nobody who can support you and you can be in a hopeless situation. Maybe an accident can happen to you or an other dangerous things. Besides because you get lost in the wildlife and there is anywhere anybody and you do not know where you are. Furthermore you can get into conflict with the law when you do not inform yourself about the rules of your destination. At last reason for do not going on a backpacking tour is that nobody knows where you are and you might lose contacts to your family, because you do not have a fixed plan. For that reason it can be that you have take enough money with you for your trip and you running out of money. Then you must search a work. On the other hand there are also some advantages of going on a backpacking tour. You can get to know a new culture or tradition. Moreover you can learn a new language or improve your foreign knowledge language. Of course you meet new people and maybe you make friends with them. Of your trip you can have a look at the sights of the area or you can find new goals and see an unspoilt nature. Furthermore you have the possibility of changing something in poor countries. I think it is very important that you can develop your personality by becoming more self- confident. At last reason it is to consider that you gain new experience and have a lot of new experiences. All in all I would like to going on a backpacking tour, because I want to gain this experience.
Frage von Mandy9124 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 03.12.2008 - 21:19

Antwort von GAST | 23.02.2010 - 20:26
Freaky, ganz ruhig, durchatmen und dann.....
lesen: der thread ist ein einviertel Jahre alt, da weckt man keine schlafenden Hunde mehr.


Antwort von GAST | 03.12.2008 - 21:33
I want to speak abut the advantages and disadvantages of going on a backpacking tour. First I want to describe the disadvantages. I think it is important to consider that you can get dangerous diseases, because the food can be unhealthy or the water can be polluted and a doctor is nowhere to be found you. Moreover there might be dangerous situation (e.g. the local dangerous animals or you can be robbed by the local people) and there is nobody who can support you. Maybe an accident can happen to you or an other dangerous things. Besides you get lost in the wildlife and there is anywhere anybody and you do not know where you are. Furthermore you can get into conflict with the law when you do not inform yourself about the rules of your destination. At last reason for do not going on a backpacking tour is that nobody knows where you are and you might lose contacts to your family, because you do not have a fixed plan. For that reason it can be the case that you have not take enough money with you for your trip and you running out of money. Then you must search a work. On the other hand there are also some advantages of going on a backpacking tour. which? You can get to know a new culture or tradition. Moreover you can learn a new language or improve your foreign knowledge language. Of course you meet new people and maybe you became friends with them. anderer beginn nötig Of your trip you can have a look at the sights of the area or you can find new goals and see an unspoilt nature. Furthermore you have the possibility of changing something what? in poor countries. I think it is very important that you can develop your personality by becoming more self- confident. At last reason it is to consider that you gain new experience and have a lot of new experiences.? All in all I would like to going on a backpacking tour, because I want to gain this experience.

Den Anfang würde ich ändern, weil du so nicht ein thema einführen solltest. wenn du sth schreibst musst du näher darauf eingehen und schreib nicht e.g. das ist ein no-go schreib statt dessen for example...1 zwei Sätze sind ein wenig unklar, aber sonst ist der text gar nicht so schlecht :)
ich hab noch ein paar sachen geändert und was kurzes dazu geschrieben..ich hoffe ich habe nichts übersehen :)


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Antwort von Mandy9124 (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.12.2008 - 21:40
dankeschön schonmal
habs mir durchgelesen und mach mir an denstellen nochmal in ruhe gedanken^^ aber für heute ist schluss;)

also danke nochmal

Antwort von GAST | 03.12.2008 - 21:43
war leicht...kannst mich fragen wann immer du hilfe in sachen englisch brauchst, du musst dich aber nicht unter deinen eigenen scheffel stellen...;)


Antwort von GAST | 23.02.2010 - 17:40
also ich hab im ersten satz schon nen fehler entdeckt... meine herrschaften... es heißt about, nich abut

Antwort von GAST | 23.02.2010 - 20:26
Freaky, ganz ruhig, durchatmen und dann.....
lesen: der thread ist ein einviertel Jahre alt, da weckt man keine schlafenden Hunde mehr.


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