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Frage: Improving
(12 Antworten)

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Tell me something in English,please!

I"m going to start with telling you my easter holidays.
At first I was bored,because i knew that we won"t make a trip anywhere.I tried to spend my holidays often with my friends.The weather was really nice,after the stormy weather a week before.I played soccer,table tennis and rode bike more than one time.Moreover i went to cinema and i was at a party mixed with konzert.Maybe you know Cetin he came to the lovly lüdenscheid,where i live.It was funny and interessting.

and now you
Frage von Meras (ehem. Mitglied) | am 30.03.2005 - 17:28

Antwort von GAST | 30.03.2005 - 17:29
ooh oh oh........=)

Antwort von GAST | 30.03.2005 - 17:30
I"m so sorry, I really can"t speak English!

Antwort von GAST | 30.03.2005 - 17:33
hablo solo el espanol

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Antwort von Meras (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.03.2005 - 17:33
Because of this reason i opened this thread.I am the same of you nightlord

Antwort von GAST | 30.03.2005 - 17:34
ok i test it .. *g*

yeah .. my easter holidays wasn`t so cool as yours, because i must learn for my driving license (i know thats wrong, but i don`t want to look up the word now :-)).
but ok .. i did not learn the whole day, on monday i was by a friend of mine and we have a lot of fun.
i know thats not so intresting but you said "tell something in english please" ..

bey joan ^^

Antwort von GAST | 30.03.2005 - 17:43
ich am too stupid to sprech english...but ich trye mal:
my easter holidays were very boring...i went to church 11 times, because i had a lot a work to do as a church servant(ministrant?)...and i was drunk every day...yes...and...well...i"m going to go to a lan in about fifteen minutes, so i have to go now and take my little computer with me....
so see you in about three days...bye...

Antwort von GAST | 30.03.2005 - 17:47
Eu I"ll try... So at first.. this is a really nice idea, because normaly I don"t speak English exapt in school of corse. Now to my easter holidays... they were not really interesting up to now... At the first days I had some fun with my sisters, we went shopping and talked really a lot. Yesterday a good friend came to me and we played table tennis and he told me about his holidays. And the next days nothing will happen... *gg* so I"ll sleep a lot and on sunday I"ll meet old friends from primary school... So that"s it!

Antwort von GAST | 30.03.2005 - 17:47
i had to learn every day, for instance, maths. my maths teacher gave us a lot of home exercises. then, i had to learn for two tests (psychology and a kind of biology). i have one test tomorrow and the another test on friday.
However, i did not learn for my final exams.
it does not matter.
i had to go to church twice, too.
All in all, i learnt every day. (horrible)

Antwort von GAST | 30.03.2005 - 17:53
such a

Antwort von GAST | 30.03.2005 - 17:53
Oh no my dears,
my easter holidays were very cool. I was skiing kin switzerland with my school. I had a lot of fun....
so that´s it, i have to do homeworks no
Yours sincerelly

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Antwort von Meras (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.03.2005 - 18:02
i"m going to watch tv now....especially soccer.I wonder why you aren"t want to join in to prove your english skills.A sort of this thread is better than the "who has got the last word"-theard.this is stupid...we can teach ourselves here.why we arent supposed to do that?

Antwort von GAST | 30.03.2005 - 18:15
Ok my style of writing is not so good like my manner of speaking but well....ok I´ll try it as well......! Actually my easter holidays were good! In the first week I did really nice things..! I went to the cinema,to partys etc...! Well it´s also one week left before I must go to school again...*g*! In the next and also last holiday week I´ll go to visit my aunt in spain...! That´s great...and it will be a lot of fun!
So that´s it! Take care...! Dennis

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