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Frage: inhaltsangabe
(7 Antworten)

Hat jemand zufällig eine Inhaltsangabe

von dem Buch
Meet Me in Istanbul
in Englisch?
GAST stellte diese Frage am 02.05.2008 - 13:46

Beiträge 0
Antwort von luggl (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.05.2008 - 13:54
dir eine bei google auf deutsch
dann übersetz sie oO?

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Antwort von luggl (ehem. Mitglied) | 02.05.2008 - 13:58
[quote]An adventure thriller set in Turkey. Tom Smith flies to Istanbul to join his fiancée for a holiday. But Angela fails to meet him that evening as arranged, and she is not at her apartment either. The next morning, Tom hears some terrible news. Angela was killed in a driving accident - a week ago[/qoute]

hier ein beispiel .. !
oder mach dir die inhaltsangabe selber
daran schonmal gedacht ?

Antwort von GAST | 07.05.2008 - 14:03
hat oder findet wirklich niemand eine Inhaltsangabe?

Antwort von GAST | 07.05.2008 - 16:08
Meet me in Istanbul door Richard Chisholm

The story of Tom Smith begins at Heathrow airport while he is waiting for his plane. On this day he goes to Istanbul. His fiancée works there and he is going to visit her. When the plane is arrived at the airport, he goes to the gate. Looking forward to see his fiancée again he sits down at a chair near by the window. After several minutes the plane leaves and they are flying above London. When he is reading a letter that his fiancée send to him a sudden voice asked him if he had ever been to Istanbul. The man his name is Kemal and he lives in Istanbul. After a while of talking the plane arrives in Istanbul and they have to go. Kemal gives his telephone number to Tom. If Tom needs help, he can always call Kemal. They both go their own way, Tom to the place where he was hoping to see Angela, his fiancée, and Kemal went back to home.
Tom took a bus to the Park hotel. He went to the American bar and waited for Angela to come. But after a while she still wasn’t there. Tom is getting worried but waits a little bit longer, just in case. When it’s three hours later, Tom goes away. But what he doesn’t know is that a man is following him, wherever he goes. At first he went to Angela’s home, but she wasn’t there. He knocked on the windows, on the door but nobody came. He realised that Angela wasn’t there. The first thoughts that came to his mind were: you need a bath and a good sleep, and then you can decide what to do. So he did. First he wanted to stay at the Park hotel, but that was to expensive. He remembered seeing 2 small hotels not so far from the park hotel and walked to them.
The next morning Tom goes to Angela’s work to see if he can find her there. Her boss Dunya told him that Angela was killed in a car accident last week. He doesn’t believe it at first, but after a while he feels the pain inside. When he is outside again, he calls Kemal. Kemal believes Tom when he says that he saw Angela yesterday. First they went to the place where he had seen her. And after that they go the British consulate in Istanbul. Also there they tell him that Angela is dead and they advise him to go back to London.
When he is with Kemal again, he tells the whole story. Kemal wants Tom to think carefully before he wants to make decisions. They go to the palace gardens in Istanbul to think and sort of relax. When they start walking again Kemal finds out that a man is following them. He says Tom to not look back and walk quickly. They go into the treasure rooms where it is very busy, they split up so that the man can’t find them back. When he is back in his hotel, he receives a phone call from one of Angela’s friends. She wants to meet him at the American bar in the Park hotel. He wants to tell Kemal about it but when he tries to call him the phone gives no answer. He goes to the Park hotel to meet Angela’s friend. When he meets her, she tells him everything she knows about the strange things that had happen the past time. After his conversation with her he goes to Kemal. They decide to follow Dunya to his home and try to find out what has happened to Angela. They also go to Dunya’s office again to see what is happening there. They find out that Dunya is a drugs dealer and a smuggler. A bit uncarefull Tom drops something and the men in the office hear it. They try to get away but it is to late. Taken away by the men they arrive at Dunya’s villa. The men wanted to take them into the house but unfortunately the police shows up and Dunya and his men got caught. Angela is found there also and she is fine. Nothing very serious had happened to her, she is just a little bit upset but that is normal. At the end everything is ok again and Tom and Angela that Kemal for his help. They are back together and are going to have a nice and very boring vacation.

Antwort von GAST | 07.05.2008 - 16:09
brauch ne andere.. die hatte ich schon von boekverslag ^^

Antwort von GAST | 07.05.2008 - 16:09
Du glaubst doch nicht im ernst jemand schreibt für dich einen inhaltsangabe? Das machen die meisten schon bei 100 krediten nicht, dann willst du dich mit 20 krediten durchsetzen! Du solltest lieber um Hilfe bitte ob dir jemand informationen geben kann oder wie du machen sollts!

Antwort von GAST | 07.05.2008 - 16:11
ach komm.. den kommentar hättest du dir auch sparen können... willst du nur mehr posts haben?
ich suche einfach halt inhaltsangaben..
und fragen kostet nichts..
und es kann immer mal sein das jmd. noch ne inhaltsangabe dazu findet im internet...

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