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Genetic Engineering

Frage: Genetic Engineering
(2 Antworten)

noch son essay...-.- das muss GM food, animal testing, cloning, designer babies und genetic modification beihnalten.
vielleicht sind ja auch fehler drin oder vielleicht habt ihr sonstnoch vorschläge wie man das essay besser schreiben kann.
herzlichen dank :-)
Genetic Engineering

Within a short period of time, genetic engineering has turned into one of the biggest growth areas in scientific research .It appears regularly in the media although the general public have no idea the meaning. It is currently one of the most sensitive areas of ethical debate.

On the approach to the second millennia, ‘cloning’ and the ability to manipulate and modify DNA has increased immensely. The field of genetic reproduction is creating a variety of unknown social and ethical consequences that are particular to our present time.

Cloning can do many good things for our wild life and for our economy. With better plants, cloning could lead to more profit for farmers and we could clone an abundance of trees. This would help the ecological health
of our planet. Cloning is good for out wildlife because with cloning it is easier for us, as a nation and a world, to save many different types of endangered species. Another possibility for cloning would be the creation of new
organs for someone who is in need of a transplant. The organ could be cloned from someone matching the person’s type. This way people would not need to wait for someone to die to find a replacement organ.

There are also some disadvantages of cloning. Cloning of certain crops will increase the yield and quality. However this will also increase the danger of a disease being able to destroy the entire crop. Cloning
destroys the genetic diversity of life. When everything is the same genetically then it is more likely that the entire population will be wiped out by either disease or predator.

It is now also possible to clone a human. Until just a few years ago, making a baby boy or a baby girl was pretty much a hit-or-miss affair. Not anymore. Parents who have access to the latest genetic testing techniques can now predetermine their baby`s sex with great accuracy--as Monique and Scott Collins learned to their delight two years ago, when their long-wished-for daughter Jessica was born after genetic prescreening at a fertility clinic.

And baby Jessica is just the beginning. Within a decade or two, it may be possible to screen kids almost before conception for an enormous range of attributes, such as how tall they`re likely to be, what body type they will have, their hair and eye color, what sorts of illnesses they will be naturally resistant to, and even, conceivably, their IQ and personality type.

However, designing a baby would also violate a person`s individuality and take away a child`s identity. Cloned children would see themselves not as a person, but as an object that their parents could discard because of imperfection. A family is no longer a genuine family.

Children should be valued for who they are, not according to how closely they meet their parents` expectations. If a child were cloned, his life would already have been lived by another human being. Society should not reduce itself to cloning of humans for its own benefit. The course of life should be left up to nature, the way it has been since the beginning of time.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 01.05.2008 - 14:45

Beiträge 339
Antwort von Tilman | 01.05.2008 - 23:04
Cloning is not Genetic engineering. The most text concerning cloning is - sorry - off topic! You can clone species, which are genetically engineered (so called GMO) and species, which are no GMO. Kill those parts of your essay.

Some better ideas:

An interesting aspect is the behaviour of the public. The word "gene free" for "not genetically engineered" is used by many politicians and organisations (BUND, Greenpeace). A lot of people believe this nonsense and think, that a tomato, which may be genetically modified by traditional normal breeding methds, but not by genetical engineering, does not have any genes. But someways it is not estiamted "politically correct", to mention and critizise this term-ethical problem of keeping the public stupid and caused by that?) full of fear.

Short text concerning cloning:

Cloning is particularly useful, to get a lot of identical species from one genetical engineering procedure. But for cloning can not be found any exclusive link to genetical engineering. he more cloning is a traditional hundred of years old method for growing wine (for the upper part of the plant es well as for the lower part with the roots. All plants, you multiply by cuttings (e.g. Hops for producing beer) are clones, also many ornamental plants for gardening. Established since more than ~30 years is cloning antheres (then made diploid e.g. by colchicine) to get homocygote plants for hybrid-breeding.

May be, there is the chance, to produce testing media by genetical engineering, which have a more suitable genetical background, as some media have today. This could lead to an effective replacement of test-animals by such substances. Their genetical background should anable the media, to simulate not only genetical, but also suitable phenotypical scenarios. Those szenarios are important, when the objects of tests should have a direct effect on structural characters of the target.


Beiträge 339
Antwort von Tilman | 01.05.2008 - 23:34
More aspects:

Desiger babies:

The problem concerning designer babies is not cloning. People still want to have their very special baby and cloning would effect, what people do not want, call it "standard babies". But any attempt, to produce those very special "fantastic" babies (with producer´s PR in the TV, his babies´ factory shall be the best) by genetical engineering (but also by selection basing on PID methods), must be stopped at the roots.

GM food:

Genetical engineering must not cause dangers effected by or depending from the food´s genetical construction. You also can cause dangers for health by traditionally bred plants, e.g. the potato variety "Lenape", which had been bread for chips-producton. But this potato showed a too high level of poison (solanine). This had been detected, as reported, when some workes in the chips-factory became ill, enjoying the "wonderful" chip-potato. All this leads to the political goal, that the monitoring of the entire food range must be managed more effectively and intensively independent from the way of breeding the plants and animals, the food is made from.

Now the terms, you had to use, are all used.

You also can write about the nonsense of legal fixing minimum distances of some hundred metres between GMO-fields and non-GMO-fields (often used for the production of called "guaranteed Biological Crops"), to avoid cross-pollination between both. But bees are not able to read rules and obligatory codes and will fly, where they want to fly. Wind will take light pollen (e.g. rape, which also is fertilizing by wind) over some kilometres with no dependency on written paper. That is the reason, why decisions of some governments and local authorities, to declare districts as "GMO-free", are political business with public stupidity.


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