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Kids Voting in the USA

Alles zu Landeskunde

I think Kids Voting is a great organisation.

The children can get an insight in the politics. They visit the polling station and they can vote, too. Of course the vote doesn’t count.
The children learn a lot about politics, the parties and voting.
Lot of people think that voting is a waste of time and many young people don’t vote at elections. I think it’s a big mistake. Because the young people are the future and there is no way for a good politics if the youth of today don’t pursue the politics happenings. Politics can influence our lives, especially the live of the young people. I agree that we need more organisations like Kids voting USA. If you don’t vote you don’t have to say something about things you don’t agree. Because if you don’t vote your opinions wont count. Everybody should find out more about politics and their parties. More young people should join the parties ' youth wings. Some people say that the politics aren’t interested in young people. Of course they are. But the most of the young people aren’t interested in the politics. Therefore I agree the opinion of the different parties and say yes to the Kids vote USA organisation. And the statement that all parties are the same is not more as an excuse. The different parties have all other special fields. I 'm sure that not everybody is care about politics. But before the next election comes you should talk to people about politics and learn a bit more about the different parties. Remember that voting is important 'cause the politics can influence our life. But the most important is that your vote count too and so you can influence the politics.
07.11.2005 - 1 -

Die ist eine Hausaufgabe, in der über eine Organisation in den USA berichtet wird, die es Kindern ermöglicht einen Einblick in das Leben eines Wahlberechtigten zu erhalten.

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