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"After twenty years" Short-Story

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Analysing the Story

After Twenty Years

NR. 2
In the end of the story the importance of the light becomes the most clear because we know now that infect of the light Bob didn't recognise his real friend Jimmy who was the policeman with whom he were talking. However Jimmy recognised his old friend, who has become a criminal, when Bob lighted his cigar. "When you struck the match to light your cigar I saw ..." (l. 154) It was so dark that they couldn't even see the others face.

The two points of the story where the presence of the light spoil the whole effect are in the beginning of the story but also in the end.
At first the policeman (Jimmy) recognise his old friend Bob at the moment when Bob were lightening his cigar. Bob in the however didn't recognise Jimmy. This section of the story is surly one of the most important.
The other most interesting point in the story where the light plays his most important effects is nearly in the end of the story. While the two men Bob and the plainclothes man (the false Jimmy) were walking in frond of the drug store with electric lights. At this moment Bob recognised that the person with whom he was walking down the street wasn't his old friend Jimmy.

The atmosphere all long the story is very sad, unhappy and gloomy because it's raining a little bit and it's cold. "Chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them ..." (l.5)
There are no more people on the street because it's already very late and although all the lights have been turned off. The darkness takes a bit of mystery in the story and also in the atmosphere. This dark atmosphere corresponds very good to the story because it isn't a funny day for both of the old friends. It's a disappointment from both sides and a tragic end after a long friendship.

Massierer Seite 1 06.09.04
C:WINDOWSDesktopSchuljahr 2004-2005HAUPTFÄCHEREnglischAfter twenty yearsAnalysing the Story.doc
Analyse der Kurzgeschichte "After Twenty Years" auf Englisch. (342 Wörter)
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