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Grammtikverbesser ect.

Frage: Grammtikverbesser ect.
(6 Antworten)

Hallo, da bin ich wieder und wollenw ri gleich anfangen.
1)Unterschied zwischen Roman und short story
A roman has more chapters and is more longer.
The short story length is ca 500~5000words. In a roman has more characters,beacause the story is longer and the time has swappt. In one moment you are in a background and two site more you are in the future, but in the short story you are in one time.
Danke im Vorraus
GAST stellte diese Frage am 09.09.2008 - 17:55

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Antwort von Palsafluf (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.09.2008 - 18:00
A novel has more chapters and is longer.
The short story has about 500~5000words. A novel has more characters,because the story is longer and the time is changing. In one moment you are in the past and after two pages more you are in the future, but in the short story you are always in the same time.

Antwort von GAST | 09.09.2008 - 18:01
Warum willst du Römer mit short stories vergleichen?
A novel has more chapters and is longer than a short story, which lenght is between 500 and 5000 words. Und...äh, was willst du auf Deutsch ausdrücken, ich versteh da nichts, sry

Antwort von GAST | 09.09.2008 - 18:02
more longer

Das "more" muss weg, wäre sonst eine doppelte Steigerung.
The short story length is ca 500~5000words

The length of the short story is about 500-5000 words.
In a roman has more characters

In a noval there are more characters...
In one moment you are in a background and two site more you are in the future, but in the short story you are in one time.

One moment you are in the past and suddenly you are in the future, but a short stoty has a linear action.

Antwort von GAST | 09.09.2008 - 18:04
ist unsere Aufgabe also auf deutshc:
Ein Roman hat mehr Kapiteln und ist länger. Die Kurzgeschichte hat in etwa 500 bis 5000wörter. In ein roman gibt es mehr Charactern, weil die Geschichte auch länger ist und es in der Zeit hinundherspringt. In einem Moment ist man in der vergangenheit imf 2 Seite weiter ist man in der Zukunft, aber in einer Kurzgeschihte bleibst du in einer Zeit.

Antwort von GAST | 09.09.2008 - 18:36
nun? welches ist richtig?

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Antwort von Palsafluf (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.09.2008 - 18:44
A novel has more chapters and is longer. The short story has about 500 to 5000 words. A novel has more protagonists, because the story is longer and the time is changing. One moment you are in the past and suddenly after two pages, you are in the future, but in the short story you are always in the same time.

glaube das müsste so stimmen

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