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´Bitte dringend lesen ! Dead poets society bildanalyse !

Frage: ´Bitte dringend lesen ! Dead poets society bildanalyse !
(2 Antworten)

hey ihr leieben,ich musste en bil,dass ihr leider nich anguggen könnt analysieren un beschrieben, bin mir mit der rechtschreibung sehr unsicher,deshalb würde ich mich freuen wenn ihr den text lest und mir bescheid sagt falls ihr einige fehler noch findet !
danke !

The main focus of the painting appears to be on the boys who are standing on their desks at a classroom.
The eye then moves to an older man, who could be their teacher. In the foreground you can see a boy with a tight posture and clenched fists. He blends his head to the right and stares into space. A lot of other students stand in the background while they do the same with a sad and unhappy facial expression. The direct neighbour to the left of the “front-man” looks as if he wants to show honour to a special person and another boys reflects sadness. But in this picture there are also pupils who are sitting at their desks and turn their heads away from the action. Between all the students there is an old man with white hair and a very sceptic gaze. He seems to be displeased with his students. This snapshot represents the last scene of the film “Dead Poets Society”, a film, where a teacher tries to introduce new teaching methods to a traditional school. The last sequence plays at a classroom of some members of the “Dead Poets Society”, a secret organisation that dedicated to sucking the marrow out of life. When Mr. Keating enters the door to pick up his personals, the boys had classes by Mr. Nolan who took over the role of the new English teacher. A few days before, Neil Perry, one of Mr. Keating’s students committed suicide and his father accused Mr. Keating to be the responsible. Because an insidious pupil told the principal everything about the society, they expelled Keating. He was accused to encourage the boys to organize the club and use it as a source of inspiration for reckless and self-indulgent behaviour. At the office of the principal, the Dead Poets had to sign his accusation under pressure to prove that Mr. Keating was guilty. Todd Anderson was the only member who refused his signature because he knew that his teacher was innocent and the accusation was a lie. At the end of the last scene the former English teacher wants to leave the classroom but at this moment Todd jumps on his desk, calls his name and tells Mr. Keating that they were forced to sign the dismissal. After fighting against their selves the rest of the Dead Poets stand up on their desks one after another. Mr. Nolan was very quick-tempered because he lost the control. Overcome with emotion Mr. Keating thanks the boys and leaves his students standing on their desks in silent salute. The photographer didn’t use colours to underline Mr. Keating’s tragedy. All the sad eyes are targeted at him because they want to apologize that they signed the papers. With his last words “thank you boys, I thank you” he shows them he accepts their excuses.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 30.01.2008 - 20:01

Antwort von GAST | 30.01.2008 - 20:09
also was mir jetzt auf die schnelle beim überfliegen aufgefallen ist:
zweite zeile: in(!) a classrom,
und stehen die wirklcih auf dem tisch? oder "at" also an ihren tischen?
in der vierten zeile: a lot of students are standing (!) ... while they are doing (!)...
zeile 7 "and another boy (!) ...

Antwort von GAST | 30.01.2008 - 20:14
japs ,die stehen aufm tisch ..
was meinst du mit in der vierten zeile: a lot of students are standing (!) ... while they are doing (!)...
zeile 7 "and another boy (!) ... ?

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