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Tagebuch auf Grund einer gegebenen Situation

Frage: Tagebuch auf Grund einer gegebenen Situation
(3 Antworten)

könnte bitte jemand fehler korrigieren?

Imagine, you just got to know that you are pregnant or that your girlfriend is.
Write a diary entry in which you reflect your feelings and worries.

Dear diary,Saturday, 25th January

I am so desperate.
Today afternoon, my girlfriend told that she is pregnant. I was speechless at this moment. She has been through a lot in last time. And now she is pregnant. It is complicated. She is only seventeen years old. Much too young. We do not have our school-leaving certificate. Many things are uncertain. How does our future look? What her parents will say? Will we be good parents? I love her and she loves me and we are satisfied and happy. But I think we are not mature enough. What should we do? I am only eighteen. Also much too young. I think I must search a job. We need money and many support from my parents and hers. I fear that she will crazy. She said that she wants to die because she has been through a lot. And I do worry that her parents do not help us. I do worry that my parents do not help us and I do worry that we do everything wrong.

Dear diary, I am desperate. I hope my girlfriend and I will be cheerful. With or without child, I love her so much and I would never like to lose her!
GAST stellte diese Frage am 28.01.2008 - 00:27

Beiträge 6489
Antwort von Peter | 28.01.2008 - 00:45

cry_wolf stellte diese Frage heute - 00:27 Uhr

lass mich raten - du brauchst es morgen in der ersten stunde?=)
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 28.01.2008 - 00:48
in der fünften. war aber am we sehr beshcäftigt... deahlb ging es nicht früher..

Beiträge 40309
Antwort von matata | 28.01.2008 - 01:09

I am so desperate. Today afternoon, my girlfriend told me that she is pregnant. I was lost for words at this moment. She has often been in confusion all along. And now she is pregnant. It’ s so complicated. She is only seventeen years old. Much too young. We haven’t any school-leaving certificates. Many things are insecure. How does our future look? What her parents will say? Will we be good parents? I love her and she loves me, and we are content and happy. But I think we aren’t ready for a child. What shall we do? I am only eighteen. Also much too young. I think I have to look for a job. We need money and many support from my parents and hers. I fear that she will get crazy. She said that she wants to die because she was so confused. And I’ m terrified that her parents wouldn’t help us. I’ m frightened that my parents don’t help us and I’ m scared that we will do everything wrong.

Dear diary, I am desperate. I hope my girlfriend and I will be cheerful. With or without child, I love her so much and I would never like to lose her!
________________________ - Team

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