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The Pigman - Gerichtsverfahren in der Schule.

Frage: The Pigman - Gerichtsverfahren in der Schule.
(4 Antworten)

Huhu, wir haben in der Schule die Lektüre The Pigman gelesen, vielleicht kennen einige diese ;)

Auf jedenfall sollen wir dazu ein Gerichtsverfahren in der Klasse vorspielen, und ich bin der Staatsanwalt.

Auch wenn ihr das Buch nicht kennt, könnt ihr ja so Tipps geben, oder Fehler von mir mir zeigen :) Wäre echt nett.

Meine erste Frage, wie rufe ich einen Zeugen in den Zeugenstand auf english xD?
Und dieser Satz den der Staatsanwalt immer sagt, "Hohes Gericht,..wir zeigen" Wie schreibe ich das auf englisch?

So hier meine Fragen, die ich beim Verfahren den Zeugen stellen werde.

An John & Lorraine:

* Why you did the telephone joke?
* Why you stay at Mr. Pignatis house?
* Did Mr. Pignati allowed you to try on his and his wifes clothes?
* Why did you make the party at Mr. Pignatis house, although you know, that he had enough problems
* Mr. Pignati gave you the keys of his house and you break his trust. WHY?

Fragen an Norton:

* Norton its fact, that you hate Mr. Pignati, why did you go to his house?
* Do you know, that you breaked Mr. Pignatis Pig collection from his dead wife.
* You go to Mr. Pignatis house, although you hate him, although you were not invited, why you did it?
* Norton, why you behaved like a berserker?

Question espescially to Lorraine:

* Lorraine, why you didn`t stop the fight between John and Norton?

Question especially to John:

Ich will hier folgendes schreiben: John, als ihr damals mit Mr. Pignati im Zoo ward, war euch der Weg nicht weit Weg, ich denke damals wolltest du Mr. Piganti noch ausnutzen für deine Zwecke, warum seid ihr nicht als Mr. Pignati im Krankenhaus war und euch gebeten hat nach Bobo zu sehen nicht hingegangen, war euch eure Party wichtiger? Vielleicht wäre dann Bobo noch am Leben und dadurch Mr. Pignati.

Questions to the neighbours:

* Do you know that Mr. Pignati was at the hospital?
* When you know it, why you didn`t saw the light in his house and call the police?
* Why you did not stop the party, although you know that Mr. Pignati would never do such a party an he was still at the hospital?
GAST stellte diese Frage am 23.01.2008 - 18:04

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Antwort von Con_Julio (ehem. Mitglied) | 23.01.2008 - 18:15
* Why did you do the telephone joke?
* Why did you stay at Mr. Pignatis house?
* Mr. Pignati gave you the keys of his house and you broke his trust. WHY?

* Do you know, that you broke the pig collection of Mr. Pignati`s his dead wife.
* You went to Mr. Pignatis house, although you hate him, although you were not invited, why did you do it?
* Norton, why did you behave like a berserker?

* Lorraine, why didn`t you stop the fight between John and Norton?

* If you knew it, why didn`t you saw the light in his house and call the police?
*Why didn`t you stop the party, although you knew that Mr. Pignati would never have such a party and that he was still at the hospital?

Antwort von GAST | 23.01.2008 - 18:18
Deine Satzkonstruktionen sind völlig falsch, die Reihenfolge ist: Subjekt - Prädikat (Verb) - Objekt ; Fragewörter kommen immer an den Anfang (siehe oberer Beitrag).

Antwort von GAST | 23.01.2008 - 18:30
An John & Lorraine:

* Why did you do the telephone joke?
* Why did you stay at Mr. Pignati`s house?
* Did Mr. Pignati allowed you to try on his and his wife`s clothes?
* Why did you make the party at Mr. Pignati`s house,
although you knew that he already had enough problems?
* After Mr. Pignati gave you the keys, why did you batray his trust?

Fragen an Norton:

* Norton it`s a fact that you hate Mr. Pignati, why did you go to his house?
* Do you know that you broke Mr. Pignati`s dead wife`s pig-collection?
* Why did you go to Mr. Pignati`s house, although you hate him and although you were not invited?
* Norton, why did you behave like a berserker?

Question espescially to Lorraine:

* Lorraine, why didn`t you stop the fight between John and Norton?

Question especially to John:

* John, you`ve been at the zoo with Mr. Pignati; why didn`t you visit Bobo as Mr. Pignati was in the hospital and told you to do so?
I think you just wanted to put upon him, is that correct?

Questions to the neighbours:

* Did you know that Mr. Pignati was at the hospital?
* If you knew that, why didn`t you call the police after you saw the lights?

Ich glaube so ists besser. ;D

Antwort von GAST | 23.01.2008 - 19:02
Vielen Dank für die tollen Antworten, weiß einer, was so ein Staatsanwalt am Anfang sagt und ruft der die Zeugen in den Gerichtssaal?

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