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Frage: Kontrolle/ kritik/Meinung
(1 Antwort)

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wär cool wenn ihr mein handout zum thema immigration mal anschauen könntet...verbesserungen aber auch anregungen sind erwünscht...

Federal Republic of Germany-Immigration country?

The population of Germany evolves into “Foreign German”

Every day we meet foreigners.
They affect our common life, even if we don’t notice it.
However, what are foreigners? Where do the foreigners come from? Why do they immigrate to Germany? A lot of people take a great interest in this topic.
We want you to invite to a trip, which will present you Germany from a different angle.

The population of Germany is approximately 82,468,000, making it the 14th most populous country in the world. There are more than 16 million people of non-German descent (first and second generation, including mixed heritage), about seven million of which are foreign residents.
Turks 1,764,000
legal foreign residents6,755,800
unknown/data missing47,200
Important Nationalities in Germany (December 31, 2006)

1950 said the Federal Chancellor:
"Germany is no immigration land ". But millions of foreign
Workers, refugees and emigrants sat down in this time here.

7.4 million Foreigners live nowadays in Germany. No other state in Europe has taken up so many people since the Second World War.

On 1 January 2005, a new Immigration Law came into effect that altered the legal method of immigration to Germany. The practical changes to the immigration procedures and limitations were minor. Traditionally, Germany has not considered itself a country with a need for large numbers of immigrants and has limited entry.

The law contains many options of immigration:

1. Job Immigration.
Now highly qualified manpower can attain an unlimited stay permission in Germany. The stay of foreigners is promoted who invest at least one millions euros in Germany or create ten workplaces in the country.

2. Migration for political reasons
The right of residence of refugees is improved. They have an acceptance to stay in the country.

3. German resettles from Eastern and Southern Europe
Resettlers and their family member who immigrate to Germany must prove basic knowledge of German.

4. Asylum
Who receives asylum in Germany, can work here. After three years is checked whether the asylum is justified.
“Without passport – But always with driving licence”

Don’t attract attention! That is the main behavioural rule for people without passports.
An Illegal immigrant is a person who enters illegal in a country.

Between 500.000 and 1. Million illegal immigrants live in Berlin. Exact number for Germany is not common. Those are humans with different backgrounds: Work-Seekers, refugees or people who follow their families.

After the advent, immigrants and refugees announce in central store in Berlin or Nuremberg.
A multiplicity of social and financial benefits safeguards the immigrants and refugees.

HousingImmigrants get free housing and caterings in camps.
Language coursesImmigrants can take part free in language courses.
Social benefitsFor it belongs the pay of hire or heating costs.

1950: The end of the war resulted in a movement of many people.

In Germany the policy on foreigners based on the enlistment of foreign workers in
1950 -1960. They were called “Guest Worker”, because the residence was momentary.
Guest workers have been useful to stimulate the economy even though they were not welcome. At first indentures were arranged with Italy (1952), Spain (1955) and Turkey (1960) for manpower.

The manpower compensates the lack of work in some sectors of industry. The young workers lived in small barracks without the family. They worked on jobs which were dull for the local population. They were hard-working and did often overtime. The workers played an important role during the economic miracle.

The percentage of immigrants increased in Germany.
1950: 1.2 Million foreigners
1963: 2.5 Million foreigners
A reason is the immigration of the family members.
Frage von playa48 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 11.01.2008 - 22:24

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Antwort von playa48 (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.01.2008 - 12:19
auch froh wenn nur ein kleiner teil kontrolliert wird..

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