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Moon hilfe...

Frage: Moon hilfe...
(15 Antworten)

Ich bruache ne Inhalteingabe für Moon von Chaim potok ..weiß jemand oder hat jemand eine ?
GAST stellte diese Frage am 05.06.2007 - 16:13

Beiträge 3533
Antwort von Mystical | 05.06.2007 - 16:14
bei google schon geguckt oder hier bei den Referaten ?

Antwort von GAST | 05.06.2007 - 16:16
Das Wort Moon kommt aus der englischen Sprache und heisst ins deutsche übersetzt "Mond". Der Mond ist ein Plant in unserem Sonnensystem, welchen wir Nachts sehen können wenn er von der Sonne angestrahlt wird und sich unsere Längsgerade im richtigen Winkel zu ihm befinden.
Der Mond (Englisch Moon) hat auch Einfluss auf die Ebbe und Flut unserer Meere.

Antwort von GAST | 05.06.2007 - 16:17
Ich habe schon gekuckt aber ich habe nichts gefunden , deahlb brauche ich ja so dringend Hilfe

Beiträge 3533
Antwort von Mystical | 05.06.2007 - 16:18
hab gerad bei google gesucht da findet man wirklicht nichts

Antwort von GAST | 05.06.2007 - 16:20
Ja.. das is ja mein Problem ..

Antwort von GAST | 05.06.2007 - 16:21
soll es in Englisch sein ?

The Factory
I have always hated the factory. It has a gaunt steel frame like a skeleton. I`ve often imagined it
without its red bricks, just an etching of black against a red sky.
Of course, I`ve never said anything about this to anyone. Especially to Eric. You see, he
5 loves the factory. He would like to put up his sign in those flashing neon lights that the city firms
can afford. He saw a rainbow once over a petrol station there. I think he would have sold almost
anything to have one of those on his roof.
Every day he is up early. He sings in the shower and eats his breakfast quietly. He always reads
the business section of the newspaper, then quarters it neatly.
10 His days are like that. In four parts.
The first is the morning, which I`ve mentioned. Then there`s the day at the factory.
That`s in two: the morning and the afternoon. He uses the telephone to tell me when it`s time for lunch. Just
two rings. That`s his code. Then five minutes later he`s at the door, letting himself in.
He reads at lunch, usually one of the classics. He didn`t have much education.
15 In fact, that`s why I met him. We worked at the same factory, ten miles out of town. It
manufactured shoes and boots. I was the boss`s secretary, and Eric worked the floor.
I`ll always remember that first day. He was nervous, tried not to show it, but his hands shook.
His hair was brown, his eyes were brown, and the factory overalls were brown. He almost faded
into the background of brown leather shoes. Which was quite funny at the time.
20 But I was describing his day. And he`s not brown any more. Streaks of gray and a balding patch
which he rakes over, spreading the hairs thinly across it. And he wears a suit. Usually gray, with a
red handkerchief in the pocket. I suppose his eyes are still the same color, but I can`t tell you. If
you asked me, 1 just couldn`t tell you.
I did notice they were red tonight, which was unusual, but then the whole day was different.
25 As though the four quarters came together and just rolled away.
I could draw the second half of his day with my eyes closed.
In the afternoon, he has a cup of tea in his office, then he works until six o`clock.
Two rings on the telephone mean he`s coming home for dinner. He has a good appetite and
enjoys his food.
30 In the evening he likes quiet. He always says that after such a busy day at the factory, he
needs to sit and think. Which he does, with his eyes closed, his elbow on the chair, and his thumb
and one finger pressed against his forehead. Or sometimes he just sits and stares into space.
Eric always goes to bed early. He feels fresh then for the next day.
But now the next day won`t come. It won`t be Eric`s day, and his eyes are red. I`ve never seen
35 him cry before.
I said this day was different. It`s night now, and soon the dawn will come. In the night, the sky
was red. A brilliant red. That was beautiful. Black against red. Like a devil with horns or the
final crashing chords of a great concerto.
I loved it. Black skeleton of steel in a fiery night. Of course the fire brigade came. I didn`t call
40 them. It was beautiful just watching the sky burning. I don`t think I will ever forget it. Eric was
They came to tell us as soon as they arrived. Eric knew straight away it was all over.
I love the night. Sometimes I stay up for hours, savoring it. The stars and that great arc of sky.
The immense pattern, the changing moods of wind.
45 Tonight it was special. It was different. And I feel very tired. But happy. An exhilarated feeling, a
prickling right down my spine.

“Mary Dilworth. The Factory“

Antwort von GAST | 05.06.2007 - 16:22
Das ist die falsche Geschichte ... Sorry :)

Antwort von GAST | 05.06.2007 - 16:23
nach dem ersten Satz hab ich es mir auch gedacht lol ^^

Antwort von GAST | 05.06.2007 - 16:24
Was soll ich denn jetzt machen ?:(

Beiträge 6266
Antwort von Double-T | 05.06.2007 - 16:26
Das Wort Moon kommt aus der englischen Sprache und heisst ins deutsche übersetzt "Mond". Der Mond ist ein Plant in unserem Sonnensystem, welchen wir Nachts sehen können wenn er von der Sonne angestrahlt wird und sich unsere Längsgerade im richtigen Winkel zu ihm befinden.
Der Mond (Englisch Moon) hat auch Einfluss auf die Ebbe und Flut unserer Meere.

x) Am Thema vorbei und auch noch falsch.
ich Gratuliere dir. Der Mond ist weder ein Planet, noch kann man ihn nur nachts sehen.

Antwort von GAST | 05.06.2007 - 16:27
die geschichte lesen & dann selbst eine inhaltsangabe schreiben vlt?

Antwort von GAST | 05.06.2007 - 16:34
hab ich schon du klugscheißer aber wenn ichg sie nicht verstehe helfen mir deine klugen Sprüche auch nicht weiter....

Antwort von GAST | 05.06.2007 - 16:36
das war kein kluger spruch & ein klugscheißer bin ich auch nicht -.-
nur wird dir nichts anderes übrig bleiben als dich hinzusetzen & es selbst zu erldeigen, denn wie du siehst kann dir hier niemand helfen.

Beiträge 2
Antwort von girlk | 01.04.2009 - 15:07
sei doch nicht so gemein du Oberklugscheißerin.sag mal dat geht gar net ne.Hab so`n Hals ne?!

Beiträge 0
Antwort von DonVJ (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.04.2009 - 15:09
Ich steh auf Thread-Nekromantie!

Hast du dich extra hier angemeldet (1 Post) um jemanden zu beleidigen? :D

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