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Was muss ich bei einer Analyse beachten? kurze korrektur

Frage: Was muss ich bei einer Analyse beachten? kurze korrektur
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In the speech "Adress of the Royal Institue of International Affairs" given by Ban Ki-Moon, the chief administrative officer of the UN, he talks about the challenges the UN has to face today and asks the population of the UK for support.
In the first paragraph he introduces the UN, describing its positive status and its general challenges.
In the following paragraph he mentions the most important priorities for the UN today. He starts with their agenda in peace and security to stop violence. Furthermore he mentions national reconciliation and the progress in the middle eastnwich includes creating stability. Ban Ki-Moon also afirmates the cultivation of regional environment, the disarmament of countries an at the end he comes to the fight against terrorism.

As visible in the first task Ki-moon introduces his speech by describing the positive status of the UN. to visualize it for the audience he makes use of a metaphor describing the UN with colours. He says that the Un is not black or white, it can be drawn in differnt "shades of grey" wich means that the Un is not just good or bad, it has many differnt sides. The expression "shades of grey" describes in this case the diversity of the UN. Furthermore he continues this metaphor, saying that it should be drawn in brighter colours, wich means that in his opinion the UN has a lot positive sides.
During the wole speech kimoon uses the inclusive-we and words like "you", "us", which has a great impact on the audience. They feel adressed during the whole speech and included in the whole topic of the UN. They are lead to identify themselves with the speaker.

so ähnlich gehts dann weiter, struktur, stilmittel, wirkung, textbelege...

At the end of the speech Ki-moon brings up his strongest arguement of his speech, terrorism. This is something which affects everyone in the world and everyone needs to be scared of. To mention this is supporting the intention of his speech which is to get support of his audience. To conclude it is to say that Ki-moon may convince the audience through his stilistic devices, his way to adress and include people, his easy structure and concrete examples. He shows the UN from the best point of view.

nicht allzu sehr auf rechtschreibung achten, war in eile :) habt ihr vielleicht noch tips die ich bei meiner analyse auf jeden fall beachten sollte? danke im vorraus
Frage von Madina_18 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 17.02.2013 - 19:29

Leider noch keine Antworten vorhanden!

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