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Englisch-Grammatik richtig? Bitte mal nachsehen

Frage: Englisch-Grammatik richtig? Bitte mal nachsehen
(4 Antworten)

Hi - hab gerade wieder einen englichen Text mit Lücken gefüllt. Wäre schön wenn mal jemand nachsieht, ob Fehler drin sind und wenn ja wo. Thanks

Looking at grammer: simple past

Fill in the correct forms of the simple past. Be careful about negative and irregular forms.

The early days Michael and Kate King started Blue Sky in 1993 – and a lot of people thought they were mad to do so. After all, the UK was in a recession and people didn’t have money for exotic holidays. Not only that, but they didn’t sell cheap package holidays and weren’t interested in business travel, either. Right from Day 1, Blue Sky specialized in adventure travel and nothing else.

And during the first years it seemed as if the critics were right. Michael travelled[/u] widely, while Kate run[/u] the agency in Fulham. Kate’s mother looked after the office work without pay. Their first employee, Andrea Cooper, jointed Blue Sky as a volunteer straight from school. Michael and Kate worked a 60-hour week and often they didn’t see each other for days. And although they arranged holidays for other people, they didn’t take as much as a day off themselves. Life really was very hard, says Kate, and we didn’t have much money, either. Often we lived off our credit cards, and when the private phone rang, we were always afraid it was the bank. But we didn’t give up.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 26.09.2006 - 13:44

Antwort von GAST | 26.09.2006 - 14:03
glaub "jointed" is falsch oder? also wenn das von (to) join kommt müsste es meiner meinung nach "joined" heißen oda?^^

aba ansonsten is glaub ich alles richtig^^

Beiträge 0
Antwort von Quiz4fun (ehem. Mitglied) | 26.09.2006 - 14:04
joined anstatt jointed

sonst is alles soweit i.o.

Antwort von GAST | 26.09.2006 - 14:07
Super ich danke euch! Gut dass es euch gibt!

Antwort von GAST | 26.09.2006 - 14:19
So und jetzt habe ich noch Fragen zu beantworten und da bin ich ganz schlecht (glaub ich zumindest) Bitte nochmals drüberschauen, danke


Use the sentence elements to form simple past questions. You must add some missing words. Look at the examples first.

1. John + complain/Blue Sky/his holidays? – Yes, he certainly did!
Did John complain his holidays at Blue Sky?

2. when/you + book/holidays? – In March
When did you book the holidays?

3. where/we + land/Canada? – At Winnipeg.
Where did we land in Canada?

4. what/John + like/Blue Sky? – Everybody was friendly and helpful.
What did John like at Blue Sky?

5. The minibus + collect/tourists/motel/all right? – Yes, it did.
Did the minibus collect the tourists at the motel?

6. why/some tourists + complain/their first night/Canada? – Because they spent it in a noisy motel.
Why did complain some tourists their first night in Canada?

7. what/John + do/village? – He loaded his canoe.
What did John do in the village?

Ich danke allen dir mir bei meiner Englischauffrischung so tatkrägtig helfen!

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