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Beerdigungsrede Hamlet

Frage: Beerdigungsrede Hamlet
(13 Antworten)

Peace :D
Wie ja manche wissen bin ich gerade kopfüber in down under...
Prob: Morgen muss ich sone dumme Beerdigungsrede machen. Ist nicht so wichtig, weil die note eigtl scheiß egal ist, aber ich wills trotzdem gut machen...
Also meine Frage: Was könnte ich noch erwähnen? Was ich bisher habe ist nämlcih nie im Leben lang genug!
Hier ists...

Doubt though the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But I never doubt I love.

Welcome dear family, friends and guests. We are here today to celebrate the life of our recently departed Prince Hamlet. We are here to say good bye to our prince, friend and classmate. The poem you just heard was one of the poems he wrote for his girlfriend Ophelia and I had the honour to read it. I think it was one of the greatest poems he ever wrote. For me, Hamlet he was my life long friend. He was always by my side – all the time up to his last breath. He was a hero for many of you and I am sure those who really knew him will know what I mean when I say that Hamlet was a great person whose life was tragically taken away from us too soon.

Like a dolphin swimming in the ocean, Hamlet enjoyed every second of his life, living it with passion for the words. Words, words, words... Aren`t they great? They provide us with the ability to communicate. An ability which can avoid conflicts. To make words your playground, like Hamlet it, is difficult, but in the end Hamlet enjoyed their variety and beauty. He was a master of words. A great master.
But the dolphin got caught in a net. A net of words. And as he tried to get out, the net only wrapped around him.

Our Hamlet was a prince, who did not focus on his power over Denmark, but who was also concerned about his loved ones – his family, his friends. As one of those, who knew him for a long, long time, I can tell you, that the death of his father was the most tragic moment in his unfortunate short life. Hamlet, the determined young man studying in Wittenberg, suddenly became confused and unsure about his own purpose. The words, which he mastered so well, suddenly built up around him like walls; walls forming a prison, which our beloved prince could not escape from. He wanted to take revenge for his father`s death, but he couldn`t. His inability to bring justice through violence might be seen as a weakness in our world. But is it really? Wouldn`t it be better to solve our conflicts using the ability to communicate? Hamlet fell into deep melancholy, which was pushing him down in his last months. And although life was hard for him, he stayed loyal to his father all the time, trying to keep him in good memory. As for many boys, his father was Hamlet`s biggest idol. He always wanted to be like his father. Unfortunately, our old king was taken from us, too. But believe me: Old king Hamlet lived on through his son, and he would have been proud of Hamlet if he had seen what happened a few weeks ago.

His popularity among the people was enormous. And where ever he turned up, the people liked him. In Wittenberg, he made friends with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who admired Hamlet almost as much as I do. I can tell you, dear guests: Hamlet was a man, who was worth every single second I spent with him. However, he was a complicated person. Especially after his father`s death he often seemed to be somewhere else in his thoughts. He told me, that once in his mother`s bedroom, he got close to killing her. Luckily, his father`s ghost appeared to Hamlet and stopped him. But although he was difficult in these last days, my love for him was endless. I would have died myself if I could have protected him. It was the words, which kept him alive after his father`s death. The words he loved so much and the poetry he wrote were the purpose of his life for him. Whenever Hamlet didn`t feel well, he wrote a poem like the one I just cited.
I know some of you found his behaviour in the last weeks before his death strange. But although he was trying to make everyone believe he was mad, on the inside he was still the smart young man we always used to know. There was just this little bit of melancholy in his character, his feeling, that he is not, what his father would have liked him to be.

He loved his parents. He loved them more than anything else in his life. He was willing to give his own life to fulfil his father`s last wish. It was his father`s last wish and Hamlet`s duty to bring justice to Denmark by killing the spurious king, Claudius. However, only when he was about to die, he could escape his prison of words and fulfil this wish. Hamlet had long noticed that Denmark`s society was decaying. Openly, he showed disrespect towards the king, when he was asked, where he had taken Polonius` body. “At supper”, was his answer “Not where he eats, but where he is being eaten”. Standing face to face with the man who murdered his father, he committed his murder. A sign of great honesty, which only the noblest of the noble men have.

I think, that Hamlet would have preferred to fight this fight with his words. He was unquestionably a great master of the words. As some of you might be aware of, he was sending letters to his beautiful girlfriend Ophelia. I was allowed to read some of them and they were as beautiful as Ophelia herself. Hamlet could do everything with words he wanted to. Every young woman would have wanted to read Hamlet`s poetry and they would have fallen in love with him immediately. But it was not only Ophelia, Hamlet loved. His mother was even more important for Hamlet, than Ophelia was. She gave him the live he needed throughout his whole life. She was the woman who he loved the most.

Dear guests, my part in this celebration of Hamlet`s life is almost over. I will go far, far away from this place but I will keep Hamlet deep in my heart. There is only one thing left, i really need to tell you: If there had been another way out of the situation, I am sure Hamlet would have found it and he would have fought this battle with his words. Killing no one. It is sad to see, that the way he had to choose killed six people, including his own mother, girlfriend and friends. I am sure, that this is not what Hamlet wanted.
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, you were a great man! A man full of faith, honour and passion. Life has been hard on you but you always tried to make the best out of it! I know you will be always by my side, I will always feel your presence and I am thankful for everything you have done for me. Good Night, sweet prince!
GAST stellte diese Frage am 02.04.2006 - 11:28

Antwort von GAST | 02.04.2006 - 11:29
hast du nicht alles selber geschrieben. ^^

Antwort von GAST | 02.04.2006 - 11:30
Also das ist doch lang genug^^

Antwort von GAST | 02.04.2006 - 11:32
@Roman: Doch habe ich :P

@Annabellchen: Nein, das soll mindestens 7-8 minuten gehen ^^
Und ich hab starke konkkurrenz *lol* die andern in meiner klasse sind nämlich "zufällig" alles muttersprachler -.-

Antwort von GAST | 02.04.2006 - 11:33
Dann lies langsam vor und formuliere eventuell ein Paar Wörter um, damit die länger sind. ^^

Antwort von GAST | 02.04.2006 - 11:33
@Roman: Sorry, die ersten vier zeilen sind direkt aus Hamlet abgeschrieben :D

Antwort von GAST | 02.04.2006 - 11:34
und ich muss die rede noch lernen -.-
Ist hier voll bekloppt: Ich werd beim Vortragen auf video aufgenommen *arghs*

Antwort von GAST | 02.04.2006 - 11:35
sry, aber das les ich net alles durch^^

vllt am schluss everything you have done for me, <-- da köntsch noch irgendwie noch verlängern, "und die vielen anderen" oder so

Antwort von GAST | 02.04.2006 - 11:37
hey das is ne gute idee!
"For all the others. For your mum. Your dad. Your friends"
Jedes mal mit laaaanger pause

Antwort von GAST | 02.04.2006 - 11:40
ganz zum schluss noch an kleines "rest in peace"

Antwort von GAST | 02.04.2006 - 11:44
loel..gute in peace hört sich gut an^^
ich habs mir jetzt nciht durchgelesen aber hast du von seinen ganzen tollen taten erzählt und so?

Antwort von GAST | 02.04.2006 - 11:46
naja also nach aufgabenstellung soll es in dem ding um seinen konflikt mit der gesellschaft gehen... Ne beerdigung finde ich da recht unpassend aber so stehts halt in der aufgabenstellung. Natürlich werden seine Taten erwähnt :D
Hab das jetzt zweimal gelesen: eigentlich war der Typ voll der Depp!

Antwort von GAST | 02.04.2006 - 11:49
loel das ist ja ma ne gute einstellung um seine beerdigungsrede zu hlaten^^

Antwort von GAST | 02.04.2006 - 11:51
joap :D
Ich hatte auch alles voll schöngeredet... aber dann meint mein englisch lehrer so: Neee, das stimmt doch alles garnet *blabla* Und ich denk nur so "Natürlich stimmt das net! Aber ist ja schließlich ne beerdigung"
Naja aber der Kerl wills halt so... soll er haben -.- is eh n Ar*** (also mein lehrer)

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