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Frage: shakespeare
(8 Antworten)

hey leute,
ich muss eine zusammenfassung über shakespeares theater schreiben.
es wäre super lieb, wenn mir einer den aufsatz auf sprache, satzbau etc. korrigieren könnte. danke schon mal im vorraus!

Shakespeare lives in the time of Elisabeth I. At the time, England is a dominant nation and London the largest city in the world. There are 14 theaters in London which has their own theater company. It begins a great competition, because of the raft of theaters.
Shakespeares company is the most successful. They are even allowed to present their play at the King`s court.
Being afraid thet somebody could steal their play away, nobody publish it but keep it secret.
The relationship between actors and author is very intimate, because the author writes the plays special for them.
The represantation takes mostly place in daylight in order to save money.
The most important thing for the company is that the audience like and enjoy the play. The admission charge is very cheap so that people from different classes come together and watch the play. Practically everybody goes to the theater. As a consequence has every play to be designed in way that addresses everybody (simple/uneducated/ rich...people).
The audience is very near to the stage and you can even for example wrap the actors feet. The play is given to the open stage which is black. The actors have no stage props but nice costumes. Women aren`t allowed on stage so there are rather few female rules.
Shakespeare wrote comedies (what you will, as you like it), tragedies (Macbeth; King Lear, Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Julliet), fairy tales (The tempest, Midsummer night`s dream) and history plays which is the biggest group.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 09.01.2010 - 21:05

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 09.01.2010 - 21:08
dich: Gegenwart oder Vergangenheit? Jetzt hast du ein munteres Gemisch!
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 09.01.2010 - 21:11
ich hab doch den ganzen aufsatz in gegenwart geschrieben bis auf das ende. das hab ich allerdings extra gemacht, da shakespeare das ja bereits geschrieben hat (--> vergangenheit). oder hab ich da etwas übersehen?
ich muss aber auch dazu sagen, dass ich wirklich nicht gut in englisch bin...

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 09.01.2010 - 21:19
Dann macht es Sinn, wenn eine Überlegung dahinter steckt!
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 09.01.2010 - 21:30
kann mich sonst niemand sprachlich/satzbaumäßig verbessern?

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Antwort von Maud123 (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.01.2010 - 21:35
Shakespeare lives (lived) in the time of Elisabeth I. At the (that)time, England is (was) a dominant nation and London the largest city in the world. There are (were) 14 theaters in London which has their own theater company. It begins a great competition, because of the raft of theaters. (Because of the raft of theaters, a large competition between all these theaters began)
Shakespeares company is (was= the most successful. They are (were) even allowed to present their play at the King`s court.
Being afraid thet (that)somebody could steal their play away, nobody publish (published) it but keep it secret (but instead of that, keeped it secret).
The relationship between actors and author is (was) very intimate, because the author writes (wrote) the plays special (specialy) for them.
The represantation (representation)takes (took) mostly place in daylight in order to save money.
The most important thing for the company is (was) that the audience like and enjoy the play. The admission charge is (was) very cheap so that people from different classes (every social classes) come (came) together and (-) watch (to watch)the play. Practically everybody goes (went)to the theater. As a consequence has every play to be designed in way that addresses everybody (simple/uneducated/ rich...people)(As a consequence, every play was designed in order to be understood by all people).
The audience is (was) very near to the stage and you can and (people could) even for example (-)wrap the actors feet (for example). The play is given to the open stage which is black (? Ich verstehe nicht was du sagen möchtest). The actors have no stage props (hadn`t got satge propos) but nice costumes. Women aren`t allowed on stage so there are rather few female rules. (Women were not allowed to play, that`s why they were so few on the stage)

Auch wenn es eine überlegung dahinter steht, muss du unbedingt in Vergangenheit schreiben...
Alles was ich korrigieren habe steht ( )
Shakespeare wrote comedies (what you will, as you like it), tragedies (Macbeth; King Lear, Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Julliet), fairy tales (The tempest, Midsummer night`s dream) and history plays which is the biggest group.

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Antwort von Maud123 (ehem. Mitglied) | 09.01.2010 - 21:39
Shakespeare wrote comedies (what you will, as you like it), tragedies (Macbeth; King Lear, Hamlet, Othello, Romeo and Julliet), fairy tales (The tempest, Midsummer night`s dream) and history plays which is the biggest group.

= das habe ich vergessen zu verbessern... Sorry...

Am Ende solltest du lieber schreiben : which represented the biggest part of his job/work

Antwort von GAST | 09.01.2010 - 22:43
Du unterliegst einem grundsätzlichen grammatschen Irrtum.
Wenn du über den schon toten Shakespeare schreibst, kannst du unmöglich das present tense benutzen.
Halte dich daher an Maudi123s Änderungen.
Ich nehme Maudi123s Verbesserungen zur Grundlage meiner Korrekturen:
bei dem Fettgedruceten gibt es Änderungen; vergleiche bitte mit deinem Ausgangstext!

Shakespeare lived in the time of Elisabeth I. At thattime, England was a dominant nation and London the largest city in the world. There were 14 theatres in London which had their own theater companies/b].Because of the [b]multitude of theaters, a large competition between all these theaters began
Shakespeare`s company was the most successful. They were even allowed to present their plays{/b] at the [b]Queen`s[b court.
Being afraid that somebody could steal their play, nobody published them but kept them secret
The relationship between actors and author was very intimate, because the author writes wrote the plays especially for them.
The (representation (took mostly place in daylight in order to save money.
The most important thing for the company was that the audience liked and enjoyed the plays . The admission charge was very cheap so that people from every social class came together to watch the plays. Practically everybody went to the theater. As a consequence --- every play had to be designed in a way that addressed{/b] everybody.
The audience was very near to the stage and you people could even wrap the actors feet for example. The play {b]was acted on the open stage which was black
. The actors didn`t have any stage prop but nice costumes. Women were not allowed on stage.

Ich möchte nicht 100 mal "theatre" verbessern: beachte bitte die englische Schreibweise


Antwort von GAST | 09.01.2010 - 23:02
vielen dank euch beiden für dich mühe! :)

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