Englisch Text Hilfe nötig dringend
Frage: Englisch Text Hilfe nötig dringend(3 Antworten)
Könnt ihr das bitte kontrolllieren Bitte danke? Ist sehr dringend Hey Anna, how are you? I miss you so much. In this e-mail I`d like to tell you my thoughts and doubts about the possibility of spending some time in England as an exchange student. When our teacher had been talking about it, I have been getting interested immediately but also a little uncertain about this idea. It might be a good way to learn about a different culture and expand your knowledge. Furthermore, you develop new life skills, prep for college and improve yourself. Finally, you boost your job prospects and make lasting friendships. I wonder if the English school system is easier or more difficult than Austria`s and if I can keep up with it. Additionally, I worry if my English is good enough to get along in everyday life. I also think about where I would life and what I do if I won’t get along with my host family. Furthermore, I am thinking about how to stay in touch with my family. I`m afraid that my English won`t be enough and that I will get homesick. Then I’m afraid that my money won`t last and that my host family won’t like me. I hope you can help me with my decision. Therefore, please answer as soon as possible. Thank you in advance. Yours, Nimet |
Frage von Leila32 | am 04.10.2020 - 18:24 |
Antwort von moli | 04.10.2020 - 18:55 |
Es ist alles korrekt ,aber ich hätte andere Verbesserungen vorgeschlagen. Hey Anna, how are you? I miss you so much. When are you coming back to Austria again? In this e-mail I`d like to share with you my thoughts and doubts about the possibility of spending some time in England as an exchange student. When our teacher had been talking about it, I have been getting interested immediately but also a little uncertain about this idea. I wonder if the English school system is easier or more difficult than Austria`s and if I can keep up with it. Additionally, I worry if my English is good enough to get along in everyday life. I also think about where I would life and what I do if I won’t get along with my host family. Furthermore, I am thinking about how to stay in touch with my family. I`m afraid that my English is insufficient and that I will get homesick. Then I’m afraid that my money won`t last and that my host family won’t like me. I hope you can help me with my decision. Therefore, please answer as soon as possible. Thank you in advance. Yours, Nimet Aber sonst ist es gut geschrieben ![]() |
Antwort von Leila32 | 04.10.2020 - 19:21 |
Danke für deine Korrektur, ist mein Text gut für eine 1? |
Antwort von matata | 04.10.2020 - 20:33 |
Noten verteilen wir keine hier. Wir kennen ja den Maßstab deiner Lehrkraft nicht und auch nicht den Stand der Klasse... ________________________ e-Hausaufgaben.de - Team |
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