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Frage: Englisch Text Hilfe nötig dringend
(3 Antworten)

Beiträge 80
Könnt ihr das bitte kontrolllieren Bitte danke? Ist sehr dringend

Hey Anna,
how are you? I miss you so much.
When are you going to come to Austria again?

In this e-mail I`d like to tell you my thoughts and doubts about the possibility of spending some time in England as an exchange student.

When our teacher had been talking about it, I have been getting interested immediately but also a little uncertain about this idea. It might be a good way to learn about a different culture and expand your knowledge. Furthermore, you develop new life skills, prep for college and improve yourself. Finally, you boost your job prospects and make lasting friendships.

I wonder if the English school system is easier or more difficult than Austria`s and if I can keep up with it. Additionally, I worry if my English is good enough to get along in everyday life. I also think about where I would life and what I do if I won’t get along with my host family. Furthermore, I am thinking about how to stay in touch with my family.
I`m afraid that my English won`t be enough and that I will get homesick. Then I’m afraid that my money won`t last and that my host family won’t like me.
I hope you can help me with my decision. Therefore, please answer as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.
Yours, Nimet
Frage von Leila32 | am 04.10.2020 - 18:24

Beiträge 77
Antwort von moli | 04.10.2020 - 18:55
Es ist alles korrekt ,aber ich hätte andere Verbesserungen vorgeschlagen.

Hey Anna,
how are you? I miss you so much.

When are you coming back to Austria again?

In this e-mail I`d like to share with you my thoughts and doubts about the possibility of spending some time in England as an exchange student.

When our teacher had been talking about it, I have been getting interested immediately but also a little uncertain about this idea.
It might be a good way to learn about a different culture and expand your knowledge. In addition, you develop new life skills, prepare for college and improve yourself. Eventually, you will increase your job prospects and make lasting friendships.

I wonder if the English school system is easier or more difficult than Austria`s and if I can keep up with it. Additionally, I worry if my English is good enough to get along in everyday life. I also think about where I would life and what I do if I won’t get along with my host family. Furthermore, I am thinking about how to stay in touch with my family.
I`m afraid that my English is insufficient and that I will get homesick. Then I’m afraid that my money won`t last and that my host family won’t like me.
I hope you can help me with my decision. Therefore, please answer as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.
Yours, Nimet

Aber sonst ist es gut geschrieben

Beiträge 80
Antwort von Leila32 | 04.10.2020 - 19:21
Danke für deine Korrektur, ist mein Text gut für eine 1?

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 04.10.2020 - 20:33
Noten verteilen wir keine hier. Wir kennen ja den Maßstab deiner Lehrkraft nicht und auch nicht den Stand der Klasse...
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