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Sind die Kommata bzw. Semi richtig gesetzt worden (Englisch)

Frage: Sind die Kommata bzw. Semi richtig gesetzt worden (Englisch)
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 180
Hallo ich habe 7 Sätze geschrieben aber ich bin mir nicht sicher ob ich die Kommata richtig gesetzt habe. Kann mir das dann jemand kontrollieren? Also muss in den Sätzen wo kein Komma ist,ein Komma hin oder ist es richtig so?Kann mir das bitte jemand überprüfen?

1 The oceanogaphers reported their fndings before they left the Arcie Ocean anea 2 They couldnt wait for the excursion to start, fortunately, it was the next day:
3. The ice ls meting in the Arctic Oceanc ;average land temperatures are rising gobal warming ls a reality
4. Environmentalists want to save the polar bears, but it might be too late.
5. French, red wineş were served at the fundraiser instead of French, white wines.

6.Trying to make people aware of the dangers of global warming has been a long, hard struggle.
7. People, who are allergic to certain foods,must be vigilant about watching their diets.
Frage von kiki2020 | am 11.06.2020 - 20:42

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 11.06.2020 - 23:18
  1. The oceanographers reported their findings before they left the Arctic Ocean area.
  2. They couldn’t wait for the excursion to start,
    fortunately, it was the next day.
  3. The ice is melting in the Arctic Ocean; average land temperatures are rising, global warming is a reality .
  4. Environmentalists want to save the polar bears, but it might be too late.
  5. French red wines were served at the fundraiser, instead of French white wines.
  6. Trying to make people aware of the dangers of global warming has been a long, hard struggle.
  7. People, who are allergic to certain foods, must be vigilant about watching their diets. .

Beiträge 180
Antwort von kiki2020 | 12.06.2020 - 11:25

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