Korrekturlesen einer Cartoon Analyse
Frage: Korrekturlesen einer Cartoon Analyse(2 Antworten)
Hey wäre nett wenn jemand meine Analyse lesen könnte, da ich nicht besonders gut in Englisch bin und morgen Schulaufgabe schreibe. Danke schonmal im voraus. ![]() Das ist der Link zum Cartoon : www.kapiert.de The cartoon was published in 2019 by an unknown author and shows the problems with median consum. The cartoon shows an operator holding a tray with two rings on it. A man woh holding his mobliephone in one hand is sitting on a dinner table with a candleholder. The woman who has sat over him also has a cell phone in her hand. The news bubble under the man shows a message of the man`s phone. The message is : " Do you want to marry me ?" and on the woman´s side i can see an other news bubble that show the answer :"I do". Maybe the cartoonist wants to present the present the problems of increasing media consumption.In our general public you can make the most thing over your mobile phone ore the internet. The cartoon makes this view clear with the mobile proposal.The rings on the tray of the waiter stands for closeness and the couble want marry. In my opinion the author meets the problems with the median consumption and clarify it good. I think in our society everybody use a mobile phone and the most of them to much. |
Frage von Rose14 | am 21.11.2019 - 16:13 |
Antwort von Haannees | 21.11.2019 - 16:32 |
Hey, First of all I am going to correct some, or tell you better ways to write your Analysis. Its not "median consum" it is media consum.Furthermore, "Who is holding his mobile phone in one hand". "The present problems", "most things with", "or", Maybe "His view". "points out the problems", "uses". Also paar Kleinigkeiten, aber klang schon recht gut. |
Antwort von Rose14 | 21.11.2019 - 16:45 |
Danke Haannees für deine Hilfe |
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