Korrekturlesen Englisch Cartoonbeschreibung
Frage: Korrekturlesen Englisch Cartoonbeschreibung(3 Antworten)
Hallo ihr Lieben, bis Montag muss ich zwei Cartoonbeschreibungen abgeben, die dann benotet werden. Vielen Dank im vorraus! Cartoon 1: The issue of the cartoon is global warming. The icebergs are melting and the water level is growing-up. The issue of this cartoon is ongoing. It is not a current affair in the newspaper, television etc. But few years ago it was a current affair. Global warming is an environmental and social issue. The cartoon is black-and-white drawing. The aim of the cartoon is very satirical, because two persons are standing in water and waiting for the global warming instead to do something against the global warming. It is very irony-used. On the left of the cartoon is a man, who wears a business suit. He holds a paper in his right hand and said something. On the right of the cartoon next to the guy who wears a business suit is an other man, who wears a swimsuit and a snorkel. The left person is a stereotype of a politician or the state, who give the laws. The right person with the swimsuit represents a human or rather a commoner. Both are standing in the middle of the cartoon in water. The Caricatures are not of famous people. The main figure is the politician on the left of the cartoon. He is the main figure, because he speaks. The secondary figure is the guy on the right of the cartoon who wear a swimsuit. He says nothing and stands in the background so he is the secondary person. The written comment is presented as dialogue. On the left of the cartoon is one speech bubble. The “politician” is speaking to the “commoner”. There is no double meaning at the dialogue. I think the statement of this cartoon is that the politicians are not really doing something against the global warming. The commoner are just watching what the politicians are doing. Global warming is a very critical topic for us, because we are responsibly for that what happen of the world. Der 2. Cartoon kommt etwas später, da ich noch nicht fertig bin ihn zu beschreiben. ![]() |
Frage von Tarasna (ehem. Mitglied) | am 01.04.2011 - 11:53 |
Antwort von Tarasna (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.04.2011 - 12:07 |
Habe noch etwas vergessen zu schreiben, und kann den Post oben leider nicht mehr ändern. Also bitte diese Version des Cartoons anschauen: The issue of the cartoon is global warming. Global warming is an environmental and social issue. The cartoon is black-and-white drawing. The aim of the cartoon is very satirical, because two persons are standing in water and waiting for the global warming instead to do something against the global warming. It is very irony-used. On the left of the cartoon is a man, who wears a business suit. He holds a paper in his right hand and said something. On the right of the cartoon next to the guy who wears a business suit is an other man, who wears a swimsuit and a snorkel. The left person is a stereotype of a politician or the state, who give the laws. The right person with the swimsuit represents a human or rather a commoner. Both are standing in the middle of the cartoon in water. The Caricatures are not of famous people. The main figure is the politician on the left of the cartoon. He is the main figure, because he speaks. The secondary figure is the guy on the right of the cartoon who wear a swimsuit. He says nothing and stands in the background so he is the secondary person. The written comment is presented as dialogue. On the left of the cartoon is one speech bubble. The “politician” is speaking to the “commoner”. There is no double meaning at the dialogue. I think the statement of this cartoon is that the politicians are not really doing something against the global warming. The commoner are just watching what the politicians are doing. Global warming is a very critical topic for us, because we are responsibly for that what happen of the world. |
Antwort von Tarasna (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.04.2011 - 12:30 |
Hier ist die 2. Cartoonbeschreibung. The issue of the cartoon is family relation to pets. (familiäre Beziehung zu Haustieren) The issue of this topic is ongoing. It is not a current affair in the news. It is a social issue because many people who haven’t children attend their pets like children. The pets can eat with their owners at dinner, sit on the couch, the owners are talking with their pets etc. The cartoon is coloured drawing. The aim of this cartoon is satirical, because an old Lady and her daughter have a dinner with their cat, dog and parrot. The caricatures are very funny draw. I think it is very irony-used. In the middle of the cartoon you can see an old lady who serves dinner. On the left side of this cartoon are tree pets who sitting at the desk and eat with the humans. A dog, a cat and a parrot. The cat and the dog wear a bib and hold knife and fork in their hands. In front of the pets are discs with food. The cat eats a fish, the dog a bone and the parrot birdseed. On the right of the cartoon is the daughter of the old lady or her granddaughter, who looks a bit strange to the pets. The old lady is a stereotype of persons who handle their pets like children. She looks very happy. Her daughter or granddaughter on the right of the cartoon represents a person who didn’t like the attitude of the old lady. She can’t understand the family relation to pets. The tree pets who sit at the desk symbolize the pets. The Caricatures are not famous people. The main figure of this topic is the old Lady, who serve the dinner because she is bigger than the other caricatures and stand in the middle of the cartoon. The secondary figure is her daughter or granddaughter and the pets both. The written comment is presented as information “Pets are an important part of family life here..”. It think there is a double meaning on the comment because it’s not normal that pets plays an so important part of family life. I think the statement of this cartoon is, that many people love their pets too much. In my opinion pets are important in a family because their live many, many years with their owners together. But I wouldn’t eat with my pets at desk! Kann mir bitte jemand helfen :) ? |
Antwort von Geissbock | 01.04.2011 - 15:29 |
The topic of the cartoon is global warming. The cartoon refers to the icebergs which are melting. The temperature and the water level is rising all over the world, and the environment disaster will become worse. The topic of this cartoon is ongoing. It is not a current affair in the newspapers, television etc. But a few years ago it was a current affair. Global warming is an environmental and social issue. The cartoon is a black-and-white drawing. The cartoon is very satirical, because two people are standing in the water waiting for the global warming instead to do something against it. It is full of irony. On the left side of the picture is a man, who wears a business suit. He holds a paper in his right hand and says something. On the right side of the picture next to the guy who wears a business suit is another man, who wears a swimsuit and a snorkel. The left person is a stereotype of a politician or the government, that creates the law. The right person with the swimsuit represents a human or rather a commoner. Both are standing in the middle of the picture in water. The caricatures are not about famous people. The main figure is the politician on the left of the picture. He is the main figure, because he speaks. The secondary figure is the guy on the right of the picture who wears a swimsuit. He says nothing and stands in the background so he is the secondary person. The written comment is presented as a dialogue. On the left of the picture is one speech bubble. The “politician” is speaking to the “commoner”. There is no double meaning in the dialogue. I think the statement of this cartoon is that the politicians are not really doing something against global warming. The commoners are just watching what the politicians do. Global warming is a very critical topic for us, because we are responsible for what happens in the world. -------------------------------------------- The topic of the cartoon is the family-like relation to pets. The issue of this topic is ongoing. It is not a current affair in the news. It is a social issue because many people who don`t have children treat their pets like children. The pets are allowed to eat with their owners at dinner, sit on the couch, the owners are talking with their pets etc. The cartoon is a coloured drawing. The aim of this cartoon is satirical, because an old lady and her daughter have dinner with their cat, dog and parrot. The caricatures are very funny drawn. I think it is full of irony. In the middle of the picture you can see an old lady who serves dinner. On the left side of this picture are three pets which sit at the desk and eat with the humans. A dog, a cat and a parrot. The cat and the dog wear a bib and hold knife and fork in their hands. In front of the pets are plates with food. The cat eats a fish, the dog a bone and the parrot birdseed. On the right side of the picture is the daughter of the old lady or her granddaughter, who looks a bit strange at the pets. The old lady is a stereotype of persons who handle their pets like children. She looks very happy. Her daughter or granddaughter on the right side of the picture represents a person who doesn`t like the attitude of the old lady. She can’t understand the family-like relation to pets. The three pets which sit at the desk symbolize the pets. The caricatures are not about famous people. The main figure of this topic is the old Lady, who serves the dinner because she is bigger than the other persons and stands in the middle of the picture. The secondary figure is her daughter or granddaughter and the two pets. The written comment is presented as information: “Pets are an important part of family life here.”. I think there is a double meaning on the comment because it’s not normal that pets play a so important role in a family`s life. I think the statement of this cartoon is, that many people love their pets too much. In my opinion pets are important in a family because they live many, many years together with their owners. But I wouldn’t eat with my pets at a table! ------------------------------------ Ich hoffe ich hab alle Fehler erkannt/ richtig korrigiert. Bin mir nicht sicher, ob man z.B. "on the right side of the cartoon." sagen kann oder ob es statt "cartoon" nicht "picture" heissen sollte. Ich habe es jedenfalls so geaendert. |
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